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Everything posted by tucansam

  1. Did it ever work? I have been trying for hours, have tried every incarnation of syntax I can find online, and cannot get it to mount with rear/write access for user "pi" via the mount command, and cannot get the share to mount at all using /etc/fstab
  2. Hey guys, I noticed some giant MP4 files in my plex appdata share..... /mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sync+/36266422/61/379844.mp4 /mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sync+/36266422/e8/254825.mp4 These are 700-1000MB each. Are these left over temp files from some failed watching of content? Can I delete them? I'm manually tar'ing my appdata folder and have noticed a ton: root@ffs2:/mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache# find . * | grep mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/61/379844.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/e8/254825.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/5f/14352.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/32/14353.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/4b/14354.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/31/14355.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/e3/256938.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/47/256936.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/fb/256939.mp4 ./Transcode/Sync+/36266422/36/256940.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/61/379844.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/e8/254825.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/5f/14352.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/32/14353.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/4b/14354.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/31/14355.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/e3/256938.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/47/256936.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/fb/256939.mp4 Transcode/Sync+/36266422/36/256940.mp4 root@ffs2:/mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache# Safe to delete?
  3. Unable to add shares in 6.9.2. Enter the info, click the button to create the share, nothing happens except my "50gb" is changed to 50000000. Nothing else happens, no browser thinking, nada. Share never gets created. Diags. Thanks. ffs2-diagnostics-20210813-2052.zip
  4. Just picked up a 9200-16E and an 8088-8088 external mini-sas cable for cheap, hope it all goes together and works!
  5. A couple follow ups. The expander that will exist in the JBOD is 3gbps. This is for simple media storage, largely, so I hope that doesn't present a significant bottleneck. The expander has one port on it (externally). I hope that a single port-to-port connection between the server and the JBOD doesn't present a bottleneck. Assuming I can get a 6gbps host adapter cheaply, I assume that if I connect a 6gbps controller to a 3gbps expander, it will work, it will just down-clock to 3gbps? And one final.. Something like an LSI 9200-8E can handle 8 drives, right? Vs a -16 which can handle 16? Or does it not matter, because the expander is taking one external port and converting it two more internal ports? Trying to figure out what sort of internal controller I need to get 15 drives in the JBOD. Thanks.
  6. Hey gang. I just picked up an HP HPE Smart SAS expander (https://h20195.www2.hpe.com/v2/getpdf.aspx/c04111623.pdf?ver=20) to use in a spare tower case I have. I have three 5x drive cages in that tower and I want to support 15 disks in it, connected to my current unraid server. Curious what sort of controller card I will need in the unraid server itself. I've got an LSI in it now, controlling 16 internal disks. Will a second LSI with a simple matching external port, and then cable, get the job done? I'm sure I'm complicating this, it seems pretty straight forward, but I want to make sure I get the correct controller to support an SAS expander in essentially an external JBOD. Thanks.
  7. Months later the server can suddenly see the UPS again.
  8. I upgraded a few months ago, maybe less. I generally check on the system a few times a week, and run the upgrade checker when I remember. No I haven't read the threads.
  9. Yes, sorry. My mistake. I don't ever remember seeing that before. I don't know, I installed Nerd Pack, I'm pretty sure it came with everything. I don't recall choosing. I appreciate the help but I have no idea what this means.
  10. Reboot worked. Now I have /mnt/user and /mnt/user0 which appear to be the same thing W T F This thread looks relevant
  11. I started and stopped the array.... No effect. Will reboot now. Diags attached before I do. ffs2-diagnostics-20210711-1604.zip
  12. Plex is down. At least, its not finding content. I ssh into unraid and my SSD with the dockers is fine. I try to cd into /mnt/user and get "-bash: cd: user: Transport endpoint is not connected" Cannot cd into this folder. Also now have a directory called "remotes". And the directory names are different colors now. My disk are all blue text on green background (putty) as usual. /user is blue text on black background, /disks is black text on green background (never seen that before). Strange. I can access data via cd /mnt/user/disk* just fine.
  13. I am looking at upgrading my server to a Ryzen-based system. I need two PCI-e x16 slots for controllers, and that leaves every MB I'm looking at, within my price range, with only x1 slots left. I can't find x1 VGA cards around that come with full-height slot covers. Can a modern BIOS and unraid boot from a USB VGA device? Thanks.
  14. How about an LSI 9206-16e and several of these cables? https://www.ebay.com/itm/274093034776?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=274093034776&targetid=1264870804984&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9030236&poi=&campaignid=11614425263&mkgroupid=126161674990&rlsatarget=pla-1264870804984&abcId=9300456&merchantid=101977857&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx_DLoZKg8QIVluCzCh1DnAQmEAQYASABEgJ1tvD_BwE Hopefully ebay links are OK to post here
  15. Let me follow up to my own post. I can put an LSI 9207-8e in my server (or the 16 port version if I can find one) and then use a spare Antec 900 as a drive box. I just need whatever interface device I would need on the other end, to connect to all the disks in the Antec 900, with an external SAS connector to talk to the LSI.
  16. Server is nearly full and I'm not ready to drop $350+ per drive to upgrade. I have 2x8TB parity disks and 14 8TB member disks. I've got a PCIe slot free. I also have a stack of upgraded drives (4TB and 6TB). Was thinking about a small external enclosure with 5-8 drive bays and running a SAS controller to the enclosure. I realize this puts all the disks one one channel. The server sees little use and its mostly my family streaming content over a 10MB upstream cable modem connection, so I don't think bandwidth will be an issue. I looked at this setup years ago out of sheer curiosity, but have not kept up with the tech. Any advice on adding some external storage to unraid? Thanks.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/iStarUSA-Group-3x5-25-Trayless-BPN-DE350SS-RED/dp/B009XA27NQ/ref=sr_1_36?dchild=1&keywords=computer+hard+drive+enclosure+istarusa&qid=1621471245&s=pc&sr=1-36 this but black. i hope its ok to post jungle store links.
  18. I've been using the iStarUSA 5-in-1s for going on a decade with essentially zero issues.
  19. tucansam


    All these threads are old. Is this forum still alive? I've been buying 8TB WD externals for a while, but I am at a point now where I need to move to larger disks array-wide. I see MFGs are up to 18TB disks now. Holy moly. I think going from 8TB disks to 10TB or 12TB might not make a whole lot of sense.... But the 18TB disks are very, very expensive. What's the sweet spot for teen TB disks these days? Thanks.
  20. I managed to set up the VLAN. br1 is the main interface, for unraid and for plex. br1.10 is new VLAN interface, tagged with 10. I set up as unraid's IP address for this VLAN. However, in the docker edit for Plex, I cannot select multiple interfaces. How can I get Plex to answer across both networks, ie, accessible on the main network at and VLAN 10 at Thanks.
  21. Is there one? Not sure if this should go in the Docker area or not, so here it is. I have three VLANs on my network; an IOT and Guest network are totally isolated and can only reach the internet. The third VLAN is for phones and tablets and other less-than-secure devices that I do not want seeing other hosts on the network. However, a couple of those devices (Roku, iPhones) use Plex to reach my server, which has its own IP address as a docker on my unraid server. I would like to set up VLANs on my server in such a way as to provide the hosts on that third VLAN access to *only* that Plex server, so it would need an IP address on at least two networks (main wired and the third VLAN). Not sure how to go about this from the unraid side of the house as I've never used VLANs with unraid. Thanks.
  22. Is there a way to make headphones smarter about scanning folders for existing music? I have a share called "music," and in that there are 36 folders: 0-9 and A-Z. I have all of my artists arranged alphabetically and numerically, for the sake of ease of organization. Of course when I point headphones to "/music," it thinks there is no music present and I get everything downloaded in duplicate. Aside from having every artist in the /music folder, is there a better way?
  23. Dockers can't point to pi-hole, is my understanding, and my docker and plug-in update checks were taking upwards of 6-10 minutes. Also now I can do service on my server without taking down DNS for the whole house. The pi-hole docker is sweet but my needs are much better served with a real device.
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