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Everything posted by wisem2540

  1. Jim, I am watching one of your auctions and I do not see a buyitnow. Too bad, I would like to end the auction
  2. I have a 12 bay norco that is running out of room. I was hoping someone had something they are looking to unload. I would PREFER that it accept an ATX PSU, but that its not a requirement. Thanks
  3. I am considering LACP for unraid. But i want to make sure I will actually benefit from it. Is there I way I can historically see if I have been maxing out my gig pipe?
  4. No. Go to shares, click on the folder that you wish to remain on the cache drive, and change the use cache disk setting to only. these folders im talking about are on the root of cache. This was standard practice in prior versions. these folders are not shares. One is for docker and another for vms
  5. setting it to yes doesn't seem to help. This worked prior to upgrading
  6. Jonathan, This was all before Cachonly was ever an option. Are you saying that I have to adopt the "App Data" share and move all of my stuff there, and set it to Cache only?
  7. Thanks guys! I will look into this sometime this weekend.
  8. I had my Vms folder and some others on the cache drive since unraid 4.7 and always used a dot to hide them from mover. now they are not hidden. Has something changed?
  9. I have been using needos Plexwatch for some time now. I recently rebooted my server and now I get a message that it cant access my plex DB. I think plex might have taken an update. Im not sure if needo is still supporting this app and wondering if anyone is using it Thanks
  10. Hey all, Seems like for a while now, CP has been backing up 0 files. I dont know if I missed an upgrade or something. Any help would be appreciated. Attached backup history history.txt
  11. I am looking so spend between 200-300 dollars. I would be interested in either of those rigs, as long as we can agree on price. Shoot me a number guys
  12. Can you post more about the CPu? I am interested.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply. Is this because of the model and age or because of their "Green" status?
  14. I had a suspicion that my parity checks are below what I should expect. I did some searching and people are reporting numbers well above 100 MBps with modern drives. My drives are not exactly modern, maybe the oldest is 5yrs if I had to guess. Running a 3TB parity drive, 1x 1.5TB, 3x 2TB and 1x 3TB data drives. Oldest drive is probably the 1.5TB WD15EARS. My average speed is 75.1MBps. Drives are connected to a mix of onboard sata ports and a 1x PCIe Supermicro card that is standard on pretty much every build on this forum Again, I understand that my drives are not 5TB new drives, but I seeing speeds at about half of what other users are seeing. Is this normal?
  15. @notyetrated I would still like a price on this when you get a chance
  16. The load average article makes sense. Thanks
  17. I was referring to the CPu % column. Java was showing 100, Qemu was showing 59, and just before I took the screenshot, plex transcode was showing 350. Im just making sure there is no problem
  18. I really only need the CPu and bo ard. I have 16GB of RAM that should fit it. But ill take the RAM too if the price is right
  19. Here is Htop. Looks like Java is relating to Crashplan. It looks like one of my cores is getting hit pretty hard
  20. At the same time this was going on, plex transcode was showing CPu % at 350. Is this because I have 6 cores, and have 600 percent available? Is this something to be concerned about? Java is at 100? What is this?
  21. Sorry havent been here in a while. Do you still have this? Price?
  22. My server rebooted from a power glitch. now here is what plexreqests tell me object with id F5Zb9Drm3hfnupCeG is not valid. trying to migrate.. released expectedConstructor createdAt expectedNumber approval_status required seasons required /home/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.3.3_1.1qvqfi6++os.linux.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/server-lib/node_modules/fibers/future.js:280 throw(ex); ^ Error: Date of request must be a number at getErrorObject (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:437:1) at [object Object].doValidate (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:420:1) at [object Object].Mongo.Collection.(anonymous function) [as update] (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:173:1) at packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:156:1 at SynchronousCursor.forEach (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:1022:16) at Cursor.(anonymous function) [as forEach] (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:869:44) at validateCollection (packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:114:1) at [object Object].registerMigration [as attachSchema] (packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:45:1) at app/lib/collections/collections.js:545:4 at app/lib/collections/collections.js:549:4 Exited with code: 8 Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change. Im assuming this means my DB is corrupt somehow. I have no problem starting over if there is a way I can at least manually readd my reqests. Can I pull out plain text somehow?
  23. Already got this working with RSS feeds, Filebot and TheRenamer
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