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  1. Need a bit off help with adminer Went to Github and tried to do the sqlite password less but no-go I even tried copying the login-password-less.php on plugins folder to plugins-enabled folder and restarting, still no-go Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Sorry to revive an old thread, but I just had to do this and since my docker isn't auto-start, I needed to check if it was running first before restarting it.... Here is the script I used: #!/bin/bash if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' container_name 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; then docker restart container_name; fi Replace container_name with the docker name, in this case deluge...
  3. Got a question, not sure where to ask, but since it pertains to Zoneminder I'll ask here... I have the Appdata Backup Plugin installed, and the plugin turns off the docker, backs it up, then turns it back on. Is the Zoneminder shutdown script/process safe even while it's recording an alarm? I have a lot of issues and db corruption at random points, and I have had to dump, drop, recreate and restore the zm database quite a few times, not sure what the cause is, but it started when I upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.12.6... I know this got really bad when I left the NO_START_ZM set to 1 and since I have figured out it doesn't do a normal startup or shutdown, I have set it to 0 and this has "stopped for now" but want to make sure it is safe, otherwise I would skip it on the backup and manually back it up myself. Thanks in advance.
  4. EDIT: Fixed the problem. Noticed a 99:user on some of the folders..... On console I did: chwon -R www-data:www-data *
  5. Upgraded unRAID from 6.9.2 to 6.12.6 and now my NextCloud is giving me an error: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.
  6. Long story short, I waited to upgrade because I didn't want to reinstall OS, and got my Server 2019 VM (using VNC) working, but my Windows 11 with AMD RX460 GPU passthrough is not working. Can someone shed some light? Let me know what you need (logs, etc etc...) Thanks!
  7. Any *EASY* fix for this??? (Besides reinstalling Windows?) Plugins are starting to require 6.11* or 6.12*, what a PITA!
  8. Same here, running 6.9.2. Refuse to upgrade, I have 2 VMs (Windows 11 and Server 2019) licensed and don't want to spend again on these licenses or go through the hassle of contacting Microsoft and/or getting video passthru working. EDIT: Found this workaround...
  9. Not related to what I asked previously... I noticed you have unSERVER and unBACKUP in your signature, is that just 2 unRAID servers and you named them like that to identify them? I am running 2 unRAID servers with Syncthing to do the sychronization with... Is that something similar to what you are doing or is there such a thing as an unBACKUP that synchronizes with your unRAID server?
  10. I finally decided to fix/update some deprecated plugins and this one came up, is there a new repository or an update to the repo?
  11. I finally decided to fix/update some deprecated plugins and this one came up, is there a new repository or an update to the repo?
  12. I finally decided to fix/update some deprecated plugins and this one came up, is there a new repository or an update to the repo?
  13. I think I’ll stick with 6.9.2 until box explodes….
  14. Following.... I just upgraded to 6.10.1 and also lost GPU pass-thru on both my servers using RX460. Rolling back to 6.9.2.
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