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Everything posted by Marshalleq

  1. OK, so you're saying the NIC (network card) is not recognised and therefore you must log in locally. You're saying this happened after upgrading the firmware. I've seen various reports that there's some NIC drivers missing or similar from a few firmware releases. I'd suggest you log in locally and downgrade the firmware to whatever worked for you before. Given you don't have a network card working, to do this, you can copy the relevant files to the usb boot key in the /config folder I think via another computer. There are instructions on this forum somewhere that just right now I can't find. I think you search for downgrade unraid firmware. Someone else can probably point you in the right direction.
  2. So it boots, up and you can go into the GUI in local mode, but it freezes and you can't click on anything?
  3. I’m just going to let this go now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Without clicking the link to check it’s been widely commented on one of those that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to stuff outside of the kernel. As in there were many incorrect statements in it. Like I said, if you look for the negatives. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I’ve posted about it here twice already. There are already other spots on the internet. Look up Ubuntu for example. I’m sorry that I’m not being overly helpful but I don’t wish to start a whole discussion on something and end up in a whole opinion piece that neither of us can win in the wrong thread. . But just google it. I found heaps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm getting extremely slow SMB speeds. Could be something else, but thought I'd mention it. 27 minutes to copy 600MB across a gigabit connection (27 photos). SMB is so tiring, trying to keep it running right between Mac, Windows and Linux. It's endlessly breaking down and going slow. You notice it more when you have photos or something like that stored across it. I wish someone would just go ahead and create a new open protocol that brought the best of each worlds e.g NFS / SMB / AFP.
  7. That's been going on for years and there's always an appeal. If you're going to look for reasons why not though, you will find them. There are plenty of those about all sorts of things on the unraid forums for example. Meanwhile, if you do look for examples of how you could, you will see those exist as well, and plenty of places are doing it. Kinda pointless discussion to be honest.
  8. I agree about not touching oracle software generally as a business - it's insanely expensive. However, the above no longer applies nowadays, sometimes people say it and it scares people off (which is helping no-one IMO) - you can read about it online - I've posted a few examples on it before on these forums. Others have noted the same, I'd suggest you haven't gone searching for the why we could, rather you've repeated the age old discussion on why we shouldn't. Things do move on. (No offence intended).
  9. Compared to the complexity of managing BTRFS issues? - I'm not sure there's much of a difference. The only real reason BTRFS is included is to provide the ability to create a software mirror for cache. I've had a number of issues with that, including that it didn't actually set up the cache, even though it reported it did. This was later fixed in a firmware upgrade, so perhaps it was more configuration based. And you forget, it only introduces complexity if you decide to use it. It's only being asked that support is added, not that it is set to on by default. Though in my opinion it would be a far better, less complex and more reliable option to be the default cache. But hey, that's just me.
  10. With cloud flare I found I had to disable the caching. That is the little cloud beside the dns entry. I’d try that.
  11. You can also not use the impacted shares in the shares part of the unraid gui and just write a full samba share config for each individual one you need extra options for in the samba settings section of the gui. I do that for zfs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yes. I do still have the examples where someone needs 1080-1080 due to running on a tv, or 1080-as happens a lot due to Plex default remote settings which is annoying. You’d think it was unnecessary by now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yeah I think there’s some truth in that. CPUs will get more powerful too. Though going against that is 4K and 8k needing more which makes me think there will always be more formats to contend with and always transcoding requirements. So yes and no? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. LOL That's not a response, that's an opinion. IT moves forward and the customers are almost always the indicators about where to go. The fact this plugin exists is from community demand and the gracious time of a certain developer that saw that demand and likely was part of the demand. There is of course such a thing as a poorly performing IT department or company that doesn't listen to it's customers and yes there are always priorities. It seems that you are either saying that officially Limetech doesn't want to listen to customer demand any more or that you've decided that yourself. Please forgive me for the sake of making the point, it seems more like the latter. It's natural for humans to like to move forward, we should not be treading on people with good intent, rather saying, 'Yes we'd all like to do that, but we've tried and we're not ready for another try yet, perhaps go vote in requested features section' or something. Or perhaps you just don't want to talk about it, but it's a forum and other people will. This is supposed to be a great community of positive individuals. It says so on the main unraid page. And since you mention it above, people have commented many times they are NOT unhappy. That would be your own opinion coming through again. I really don't know why some people on here are so quick to judge.
  15. I think what people are saying is, if you can do it, so can unraid.
  16. I imagine googling unraid and nvidia might turn up lots of false positives. No harm in asking. I must have a read too as there’s actually no legal reason not to include them in their binary form as far as I’m aware. Which is how everyone else does it. And at a stretch other distos make a system that allows these things to be user added. Though perhaps I’m forgetting something. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. All good - some devs (like the ZFS one) ask others to point it out - I'm a fairly newly minted user of your plugin so wasn't sure. And there are certainly no end of people in these forums that like to treat others like children. So I like to point them out. And I'm sure it's frustrating on the other end too - but there could have been a few extra words placed in the sentence.
  18. Thanks, great to know - I always wondered if it would actually work. So it works as intended, but may not result in a functioning stream depending on CPU horsepower.
  19. Hey, sorry I can't answer your question, but I'm interested in what happens when it doesn't do hardware transcoding on this - does it just fall back to CPU? Or does it fail some other way? Thanks.
  20. FYI there's yet another version of unraid out with a number of security fixes and a new kernel.
  21. @steini84 Also there is yet another version of unraid out with a number of security fixes.
  22. @elstryfe I did read about a day ago that there is a new version of ZFS on linux out, which has crucially re-enabled code that uses the CPU hardware for compression (if I'm reading correctly). I believe a kernel developer disabled something in the newer kernels that broke it. I'm not sure if it affects unraid kernels or not - perhaps @steini84 can comment more factually.
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