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Everything posted by A75G

  1. do you know where configuration.py is located i might add it to the template or you can add path to it to make it persistent file just make sure you copy the content configuration.py before running the docker im made jisti template because lot of people asked for it tried my best to make it as close the docker-compose, i tried to run it but didnt have the time so i was hoping someone would understand how to run it about the port conflict if im not mistaken it both container dont need the same one. one send and the other receive from it the most important part is to make custom network for them so they can talk to each other using hostname thats all i know about jisti i wish i could be at help but jisti on unraid docker template is bit weird
  2. Updated the template check it now reinstall it
  3. jitsi need custom docker network to communicate between each other if enable_letsencrypt 1 then disable_https 0 but better use reverse proxy and remove lot variable thats not needed like ldap if ur not using it maybe database issue enable embedded database and remove delete database configuration ill update template so there so need for external database
  4. you can change default add this on post command -url="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s"
  5. I used this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-custom-search-engine and it works check it out SpaceInvaderOne made it easier my template a bit of a mess docker-compose usually for me is better because you have lot of moving parts between two or more dockers I dont know how taxing Jitsi i never run it but heres what people say https://community.jitsi.org/t/server-requirements-for-20-users-with-video/24865/2
  6. if you have set FQDN for unraid then all you have is to put the FQDN:8000 for example my unraid is unraid.lan i can do unraid.lan:8000 or use IP which ever you like
  7. until v0.4 release ill see what i can change to the template because right now there is no tag for it https://hub.docker.com/r/nikisweeting/archivebox/tags and im no developer only template guy
  8. Yeah Yea, you can ran it with cron what i do is put links on file inside the app folder it run weekly and it save it to way back machine too. https://github.com/A75G/docker-templates/blob/master/README.md#missing-texture-and-images
  9. what i meant when i said "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)" is for example "./archive www.google.com" or "./archive /data/link.txt" for file you need to put it in the appdata
  10. ill add it next week i like to check them for few days then release them and you have great taste on dockers if you want you can add request on my GitHub https://github.com/A75G/docker-templates/issues/new/choose add as much you like ill get to it eventually
  11. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>TeamSpeak-officialdocker</Name> <Repository>teamspeak</Repository> <Registry>https://hub.docker.com/_/teamspeak</Registry> <Network>bridge</Network> <Shell>sh</Shell> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support></Support> <Project>https://www.teamspeak.com</Project> <Overview>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker</Overview> <Category>Network:Voip</Category> <TemplateURL/> <Icon>https://i.imgur.com/pg6LstR.png</Icon> <Description>Custom unRaid template for the official Teamspeak docker</Description> <Config Name="Data Path" Target="/var/ts3server/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the database is stored" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config> <Config Name="Config Folder" Target="/var/run/ts3server" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Path where the ts3server.ini and ts3db.ini files are stored" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config> <Config Name="UDP - Voice Port" Target="9987" Default="9987" Mode="udp" Description="UDP voice port. Default=9987" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">9987</Config> <Config Name="TCP - Query Port:" Target="10011" Default="10011" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP query port. Default=10011" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">10011</Config> <Config Name="TCP2 - File Transfer:" Target="30033" Default="30033" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP file transfer port. Default=30033" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">30033</Config> <Config Name="License Agreement" Target="TS3SERVER_LICENSE" Default="accept" Mode="" Description="Set to 'accept' if you agree the license agreement" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">accept</Config> <Config Name="DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Default="9987" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_DEFAULT_VOICE_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">9987</Config> <Config Name="QUERY_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Default="10011" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10011</Config> <Config Name="QUERY_SSH_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Default="10022" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_SSH_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">10022</Config> <Config Name="FILETRANSFER_PORT" Target="TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Default="30033" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_FILETRANSFER_PORT" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30033</Config> <Config Name="QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Target="TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Default="raw" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_QUERY_PROTOCOLS" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">raw</Config> <Config Name="DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Target="TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Default="30" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TS3SERVER_DB_CLIENTKEEPDAYS" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">30</Config> </Container> All it need is clean up. You can add support link to your topic in this forum and template if you are putting it on Github. Good job.
  12. your files are safe if you only deleted the docker you can head to nextcloud folder then you should see users folders and inside is the data
  13. Hhhh thanks i think you are reading my mind or something i already have it installed on my unraid few days ago but its bit complicated but sure ill add it to the repo if you want
  14. I'm not sure but if both public and hosted didn't work better make issue there which Now that i look at the issue there seems some people have the same problem if im not wrong https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/94
  15. It might be it try lowering the resolution.
  16. I'm not sure it i tried it on my side it work. Have you tried different browser.
  17. Not %100 sure but i think ur APP_URL is wrong try
  18. Thank you for info, will update the template right away. Added SYMFONY__ENV__SECRET and SYMFONY__ENV__FOSUSER_REGISTRATION
  19. i dont use NPM https://github.com/wallabag/docker#nginx and change the domain variable in wallabag to https://wallabag.domain.com
  20. Yeah i had the same problem, make sure the Domain part is right for example if your only using for local user and if you are hosting it on your domain http://wallabag.example.com or https://wallabag.example.com
  21. A75G


    Probably prosody -> jicofo and jvb then web Don't know anymore else about them
  22. Your most welcome. It doesn't i downloaded Postgres:11 its on CA already
  23. A75G


    If someone have free time here you go https://github.com/A75G/test-templates I didnt test them at all so i dont know if they work or not. What i got from https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet/blob/master/docker-compose.yml TL;DR Custom network so all services can communicate using a FQDN jicofo and jvb depends on prosody to run web is just frontend prosody XMPP server jicofo Focus component jvb Video bridge
  24. Happy to help, only wish i know how to configure it bit complex.