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Posts posted by falconexe

  1.  The Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard Version 1.5 is here! This is another HUGE 😁 update adding INTEGRATED PLEX Monitoring via Varken/Tautulli. This update is loosely derived from the official Varken dashboard, but I stripped it down to the bolts, modded the crap out of it, and streamlined it with a straight Plex focus. Honestly, the only code that sill remains from their official dash is the single geo-mapping graph, as it is not actually an editable panel, but rather straight JSON code. I wanted to say thank you to that team for providing a great baseline to start from, and all of their previous work!


    The UUD Version 1.5 adds 50 new Panels within 3 new sections. I have placed these strategically within the UUD right below the Overwatch section, as this is the second data set that I would want to see, right after my overall server health. As always, with greater features, comes a greater need for plugins and dependencies. I have provided links and resources below to help you along.



    New Dependencies:

    • Install Guides/Tutorials:
    • Dockers:
      • Varken (Install With Default Setup / Follow Current Project Install Guide)
      • Tautuilli (Install With Default Setup / Follow Current Project Install Guide)
    • Docker AppData:
      • Varken Config (Follow Varken Install Guide)
    • New Grafana Data Source:
      • "Varken"
    • New Grafana Plugins
      • Pie Chart Panel

        • Run Following Command in Docker: grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

      • World Map

        • Run Following Command in Docker: grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel

    • Third Party:
      • FREE GeoLite2 License Registration (Follow Varken Install Guide)
      • Without this, the MAP WILL NOT WORK.


    Please Note: This release is an example tailored to MY Plex setup/library. The intent here is that you will take this and modify it for your Plex Library/Setup. You have everything you require to template new panels and to add new media sections as needed!




    • Real Time Plex Monitoring
      • Extremely Detailed Breakdown of All Current Streams
      • Current Number of Streams
      • Internal and External Streaming Bandwidth Breakdown
      • Stream Origination (Geo Location) With Interactive Map
      • Streaming Types
      • Streaming Devices
      • Detailed User Monitoring
      • Current Library Statistics Broken Out By Library Sections
    • Plex Library Growth
      • Plex Library Growth Over Time (Day/Week/Month/Year)
        • Currently Templated For Following Media Sections
          • TV Shows
          • Movies
          • Documentary TV Shows
          • Documentary Movies
          • Anime Shows
          • Music
          • You Can Add More...
    • Historical Plex Monitoring
      • Heat Maps to See Your Overall Streaming Saturation (Last Day/Week/Month/Year)
      • Device Types (Last Month)
      • Stream Types (Last Month)
      • Media Types (Last Month)
      • Media Streaming Qualities (Last Month)
      • Stream Log (Last Week with Limit of Last 1,000 For Performance Reasons)
        • Log Captures All Streaming Activity Via 10 Minute Intervals



    Screenshots (With Personal Info Redacted):






    I am very pleased that I could still get this out to you all in 2020 (my time), so hopefully this will ease us into a better 2021! As always, I'm here if you need me. ENJOY and Happy New Year!



    See Post Number 1 For the New Version 1.5 JSON File!


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, RockDawg said:

    Nothing seems to work.  I think the issue lies outside the dash and it's code or configuration because, like I said, if I go to the console of the GUS container and type hostname it returns Tower.  Even after rebooting unraid.  

    Ah, didn’t realize you were using GUS. You can try completely removing it, blow away the appdata related folders (make a copy first), snd reinstall it from scratch. That might do it.


    I use the 3 dockers natively. You can also post in that support thread. The developer @testdasimight have some ideas since GUS is his creation.


  3. 7 hours ago, RockDawg said:

    Did find it in the JSON:


    "templating": {
        "list": [
            "allValue": null,
            "current": {
              "selected": false,
              "text": "Tower",
              "value": "Tower"


    Do I just remove the text and leave empty quotes?

    You can either hard code it here, or leave it blank and it should dynamically pick it up. Save the JSON, and re-import the dash.

  4. 17 minutes ago, RockDawg said:

    Thanks.  I'll try a reboot when people are done streaming from the server.  You have to stop the array to change the unraid server name which stops all Dockers so they did restart after the host name change.  I manually restarted them again for good measure with no luck.

    I thought that might be the case (I’ve never changed my host name). Welp, check your dash JSON next.

  5. 27 minutes ago, RockDawg said:

    I did search the telelgraf config file and nothing came up.  I'll try the JSON export trick.  Am I correct is assuming that as long as nothing is epcifying that name that Telegraf should dynamically detect the correct name?

    Correct. Sounds like something is stuck in memory or hard coded somewhere. I would try a full reboot first. Restarting the 3 dockers (Grafana, Telegraf, & InfluxDB) after a host name change would be required for it to pick up the change.

  6. 1 hour ago, RockDawg said:

    When I type hostname in the unraid console it returns "Anton" which is the new name.  If I type hostname in the Grafana-Unraid-Stack container console, it returns Tower.  In Grafana under the host dropdown it only shows Tower.

    Search your Telegraph config for “Tower”, and if found, replace it with “Anton”, then save.


    You can also export your Grafana dashboard into a JSON file, do the same find and replace, and re-import it into Grafana.


    In both cases, stop all related dockers, make the changes, and restart them.


    Finally, for good measure, you can also perform a full reboot of the UNRAID server.


  7. 1 hour ago, LTM said:

    Ah. I am still on the latest stable version of unraid.


    Yeah I'm on 6.8.3 and will be staying put until 6.9.0 is stable. The UUD has only been tested on 6.83 and prior. Once we get the next release, I'll make sure the UUD is compatible.


  8. 4 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

    Just so it is clear for everyone and since date convention in not the same everywhere, are we talking January 2nd or February 1st ?

    (I don't mind either as 1.4 does what it needs to do)

    Ha ha good catch. How about this. 2020-01-02 (YYYY-MM-DD which is developer format). I'll update my original post.




    I finally took some time off from work over the holidays, so I will be jumping back on this next week. Version 1.5 WILL BE RELEASED with a target date no later than 2021-01-02 (January 2nd, 2021 for ChatNoir 😂).


    As we head into the new year, I will begin work on version 1.6 which will ADD many new features, bug fixes, and will combine ALL requests/user developed panels thus far (where possible) into that release.


    From that point (1.7 onward), we can look to future use cases, features, and a roadmap from your suggestions. I will continue to add features/panels/customizations as needs arise for the foreseeable future. If I can get my hands on some new hardware, I'll look into NVIDIA GPU monitoring as well, but I may need to get a new motherboard since all of my PCIe slots are tied up.


    Thanks for all of your support everyone! Glad you are all getting some use out of the UUD and that you are all enjoying it as much as I do! Happy Holidays!


  10. 17 hours ago, Stan464 said:


    Im using the UUD AllinOne Package so Telegraf isnt a seperate Docker for me. How would i throw this in?


    Just to be clear, the UUD does not have an "All In One" Package. You are referring to the "Grafana UNRAID Stack" (GUS), which I DID NOT develop. GUS was created by @testdasi, and I GAVE HIM PERMISSION to include the UUD as a built in Dashboard within GUS' default Grafana install. So any and all support for GUS, should be addressed in his forum post. However, I will always help where I can.


    As such, even with GUS, you DO have a Telegraf docker, as it is installed as a part of GUS, along with Grafana and Influx DB (appdata folder). You can made any modifications to Telegraf's configs, etc. the same way you do if you don't use GUS, and manually install those 3 dockers and then import the UUD into Grafana.


    • Like 1
  11. On 12/14/2020 at 10:01 AM, Stan464 said:

    Just wish to say Thanks very much for releasing / building? this project!

    For someone who finds some of the Variables and the learning curve on a DIY Method for what the UUD already does would be a nightmare to try and learn from scratch!.

    I have 3 small queries:

    1) When i remove the Cache Drive (i dont have one) it keeps adding a random drive on refresh (everything else is perfect)

    2) I dont have Drive Stats at all (Temps, S.M.A.R.T ect) Array Information, Parity ect ect. 
    3) My Bottom UPS Currency shows as "$" but i chose currency "£". 

    Thanks kindly again!


    11 hours ago, Stan464 said:

    Small Bumpo.


    Hi Stan464, welcome to the topic. Glad you are enjoying the UUD. Unfortunately, I don't have any time to support you personally right now, but I would suggest reading through the entire topic as a lot of this has been covered. If you don't run a cache drive, you can just remove that variable in the dashboard settings, and any references to it in each panel. Drive stats are covered by the inputs.smart plugin, so search the topic for that. For currency, you will need to change the UNITS on the UPS panels to reflect your currency of choice. Hope this helps!

  12. 1 hour ago, sdamaged said:

    I'm not sure how wise it is to fill the array now, when you have tons of free space, compared to waiting until you need the space, and then buying the larger drives that will subsequently be out, for the same price.  I've done the same thing and kinda wish i hadn't!

    Good point, but there is also the advantage of spreading the load across more drives to decrease the risk of data loss (less data on any single drive) in the event of disk/rebuild/backup restore failure. Assuming you are using an allocation method of “most free” or “high water”.


  13. 13 minutes ago, GilbN said:

    Yup you can absolutely add sound :) https://www.w3schools.com/tags/av_prop_autoplay.asp


    Man, I've got so many freaking ideas right now. I'm huge into KODI/LaunchBox/BigBox theming, so this is right up my alley. I love theme music playing on every movie/tvshow/game.


    Tell you what, I will UpRes some source material in 4K using Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI, and upload them here. I do this with all of my images and they always look insane in 4K. That software is really amazing...


    I have 3 Mass Effect Images in particular that I would LOVE to have as my log screens for each of my servers. Let me me know if that is something you can pull off for a new "Mass Effect" section in your GitHub.

  14. 4 hours ago, RockDawg said:

    I am really struggling with the cache writes panel.  It is just not showing accurate data.  For example, the hourly data just shows a constantly increasing number that is way too high.  The last 4 hours it is showing 302GB, 304GB, 306Gb and 307GB respectively.  I grabbed these numbers from going to Inspect>Data so I assume this is what Telegraf is logging and not just a formatting isse with the way the panel is set up in Grafana.  But I have tried various setting and nothing comes close to showing the data I expect.


    Yet my manual hourly script in unraid is reporting 1.76GB, 2.39GB, 1.74GB and 1.91GB for the last 4 hours.  Much more realistic numbers and they vary and are not seemingly cumulative like what's being reported in Grafana.


    Anybody have any ideas ho to get this to report correctly?

    Check your units. They are usually in bytes. You should change it to GB or whatever you like. You may need to put a math function on and divide accordingly. Check my other panels and look for math if you need an example.


    Since I did not develop this particular panel (one of our fellow users did), and the fact that it is not currently included in the UUD, I will have to look into this when I have time. I will include this in version 1.6 if I can get it to work right and will credit the user who shared it.

  15. 3 hours ago, RockDawg said:

    I'm playing around with setting up a 2nd unraid server. What do I have to do to allow it to be selectable/viewable from the dash I have on my main server? 


    You will send data from server 2 into the main InfluxDB. As long as you setup your telegraf config correctly for server 2, it will show up in the HOST variable drop down. Once setup, simply select which host you want by selecting this variable and the entire dashboard will dynamically change accordingly.


    I just got my backup server stood up, so I will be actually testing this myself soon. I know a few people on this forum have it working, and the UUD is designed to handle this automatically once the foundation is there.

  16. 4 hours ago, MrLondon said:

    Just a quick question, do you use the cache drive as a cache drive, as I had to change my path to /mnt/user as I was not using the cache for cache itself.


    Yes. UUD assumes you have a cache drive. You did the right thing by removing the 0 in the path for your use case.



  17. 4 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    I just don't think it likes me... :(


    I removed the Group By, then clicked to add it back in, now I get `time ($interval)` but it shows No Data:



    For now, at least, I'll live with some curvy transitions and some sharp transitions...


    I forgot to mention that once you remove the group by statement, you need to re-add the select statements. Like "LAST" and "MATH". If you touch the group by, it drops any customs on select. Have a look at your other panels and put that back in, and it should work again.

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