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Posts posted by falconexe

  1. 7 minutes ago, caplam said:

    i/o graph is ok but it shows performances and you can't really see impact on ssd endurance.

    With my previous ssds i didn't see writes could be a problem until it was too late. If i remember correctly i had 700Tb written in 9 months. 

    Agreed. I’ll add them. You mind DMing me your 2 panel JSONs (or posting them here) as a reference?

  2. I have a Cache I/O graph in version 1.4, but I’ll add this type of graph to version 1.5, as I can see the value in it. High volume cache writes have been a hot topic for the last few months, especially for people like myself who have invested in expensive NVMe drives and/or large pools. I’ll add you as an official contributor once this is done. 

  3. The same concepts I applied to the UUD with regards to array growth can be applied to any metric. What type of graph are you looking for? Just a number for each interval over time (day/week/month/year) or do you want to see it on a single chart like a line/bar graph? I’m finishing up the work on version 1.5 and hope to have that done this weekend. I can work on this after that.

  4. 3 hours ago, falconexe said:


    YES 😆


    I'll get back to you soon. Working on a huge project right now actually. LOL.



    @sekrit So thought about this some more.... Not a ton I can share in a public forum specifically.


    We produce videos/photography/graphics for social media platforms. We mainly specialize in high quality video 4K/1080P @ 60 FPS. Getting rid of SHFS overhead when writing to the shares directly would be a massive improvement over what is currently possible. (See below links). MULTIPLE ARRAYS on a single server would be incredible, and we can't wait for this. Currently we use dual parity with 14TB (max) drives with 28 data drives. We have a full backup server because triple partity is not avaiblle yet. I've talked about these items before in other topics (look at my profile and where I've posted). Our shop is a mixed Windows/OSX environment.


    UNRAID is CRITICAL and CENTRAL to our entire company. EVERY SINGLE user works from/with our UNRAID servers. We edit right off of unassigned drives over 10Gig NICs using a variety of tools (Adobe Suite/Final Cut Pro X). Once projects are finalized, they are copied to the cache drive (via standard shares) and the MOVER sends them to the array every 4 hours. We archive ALL RAW FOOTAGE and EXPORTED projects to the array (currently approaching a Half Petabyte [500TB] in total since 2014). Clients access media/resources using secure NextCloud with Reverse Proxy (or sometimes PLEX Streaming), and employees utilize Open VPN when working from home.


    Quite literally, our company is UNRAID and we could not be as successful for the same cost without it. That's why I don't mind spending top dollar on supreme hardware. 45 Drives is our go to hardware company. They freakin ROCK! I'm an IT professional as well, so I gel with those guys really well.


    I am interested to see where you intend to take this discussion. I've subscribed to the topic for updates. Cheers.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, sekrit said:

    If I May ask:


    1.) What your most prominently/frequently produced forms of media?


    2.) How does Unraid impact your company as a software utility?


    3.) Which Solutions and/or tools would aid your production house to improve quality of production, lowering turn-around-time, acquiring additional clients, leveraging your current resources into greater gains/return on investment, other/not mentioned 


    4.) Approximately how many of the staff interact with (maintain, store to, edit from, render from) your servers which operate Unraid on a regular basis?


    Thank you for any/all time & information which you are willing to share.  I believe that unaid would have a MASSIVE influx with the proper media-production focused tooling added.  And, I am dead-set on finding ways to prove it.


    YES 😆


    I'll get back to you soon. Working on a huge project right now actually. LOL.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 minute ago, CS01-HS said:

    Sure maybe if/when it gets cleaned up. 


    Just to be clear this isn't related to spin-up groups (which I don't use either), just standard drives. I wanted a way to easily track whether my drives were sleeping/waking too frequently. Someone cleverer might be able to integrate total wakes over the specified time range.


    Ahh, thanks for that clarification. I meant spin down delay, not groups (my bad). My disks spin 24/7, so this would not be useful for me, but MANY people do so I can totally see the value in this type of graph. It would really help in finding a rogue drive spinning up and then traversing the logs looking for WHY.


    I can also see this stuff going into a heat map type graph. If you look at my UUD topic, I'll be adding these to my next update. You could adapt them on a per drive/pool basis and have a heat map dashboard for all of them as an overview panel. You could set them all to the same timeframe like last 24 hours. Just a different way of looking at the same data... Anyway, congrats on this solution/hack.


    Hatmap Example:



    • Like 1
  7. This is pretty sweet. I'm the devloper the Ultimate Unraid Dashboard (UUD). If you want to cross-promote your solution, feel free to also post or link it in my topic. I don't personally, use Spin-up Groups, but this is a really neat solution to non-native data within Telegraf.



  8. Just now, Marcjwebb said:

    My bad. The replies given have been exactly what I was looking for. So effectively there is no need for the post. However. Thank you to the user who was super fast and shared awesome info. You’ve just made my video workflow a huge amount better .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Happy to help!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, falconexe said:

    FYI, You should change the title of this topic to something more descriptive reflecting this discussion.


    BTW, You can do this by editing the first post with the "EDIT TOPIC" button...


    Just in case you were wondering. It has been asked before LOL.

    • Like 1
  10. FYI, You should change the title of this topic to something more descriptive reflecting this discussion. That way if another user has a similar question, they can find it easily by searching the forum.


    If you feel I have resolved your question, you should also prefix it with [SOLVED].




    [SOLVED] Best NVMe Share Architecture For Video Editing Workflow


    Hope to see you over in the UUD topic!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Marcjwebb said:

    With the unassigned drive and share, will it auto show like my main array?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You need to set it to auto mount and share it, but yes, upon boot, you can get to it like any other share.











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