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Posts posted by falconexe

  1. On 9/26/2020 at 2:02 PM, Dazog said:

    SELECT moving_average("temp_input", 10) FROM "sensors" WHERE ("feature" = 'smbusmaster_0') AND $timeFilter


    This is how I get my Threadripper temps.


    @Dazog The smbusmaster_0 was the key "feature" we needed for the Threadripper temps. Thanks for that tip. Since this was a huge help...


    Congrats, you are now an Official UUD CONTRIBUTOR (You are now listed as such on Post #1) 🤝🥳

  2. 4 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    @MrLondon Hey man. Glad we got your AMD Threadripper CPU temps and fans working!!! Can you post pictures of the queries we made so we can document for others who have to use the "sensors" plugin on consumer hardware, instead of IPMI on server hardware? I'll be adding this code to 1.4 as alternate queries.





    @MrLondon  Congrats, you are now an Official UUD CONTRIBUTOR (You are now listed as such on Post #1) 🤝🥳

  3. 1 hour ago, falconexe said:

    I will DM you now.


    @MrLondon Hey man. Glad we got your AMD Threadripper CPU temps and fans working!!! Can you post pictures of the queries we made so we can document for others who have to use the "sensors" plugin on consumer hardware, instead of IPMI on server hardware? I'll be adding this code to 1.4 as alternate queries.


  4. 1 hour ago, MrLondon said:

    I guess here it would be helpful for someone with another AMD motherboard to post their settings because I looked and I cannot see anything obvious that will show me the cpu temp here, there are lots of values but nothing screams CPU temp.



    You down for a quick virtual meeting? No video or audio, just chat and you can share your screen with me. We can try this in real time...

  5. Click the words "ipmi_sensor" and select REMOVE. Also remove the "name" field. Then click the PLUS Button and you should be able to pick the sensors plugin. Then hit the + button again and you can select a specific type of sensor within the sensors plugin. Then click the field (value), and you can select what field in the type of sensor you want to query on.


    Also where it says "autogen", click that and select and/or type in "default".

  6. 24 minutes ago, MrLondon said:

    Thanks for the kind offer. I was able to reduce the sizes of some of the graphs already. The only thing I still have to work on is the temps are still not displayed but I don't know if that has something to do with AMD. I will wait for your 1.4 as you mention that you will change certain things in there for the sensors plugin.


    I'll be adding some template type queries for sensors. It seems that if you are not on server hardware, IPMI is not available, so you will need to use the sensors plugin. That being said, I do not have AMD hardware, so I cannot write the whole query. I you don't mind, once it is released, maybe we can work together and use your machine as a test bed to dial in the AMD CPU temp queries. Then I can confidently add code into the dash that has been fully tested.


    I remember working with you back on page 12. You said you got the sensors plugin working. Did you try the suggestion I made here using GilbN's old code?




    Also, another user said he got his to work using different code found here:




    On that last one, I wouldn't use moving average, but instead "LAST". Let me know if either of these work out for you.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, MrLondon said:

    I am amazed how much information can be seen in this panel, yes because I only have a 24 inch screen I have to scrawl but I can easily live with that.


    BTW, The entire GUI is scaleable for any resolution. So this is not necessarily something you have to live with. I'm happy to help you dial it in. One place to start is to remove any field overrides (Right Side Panel Once You Edit a Query) for COLUMN WIDTH. That will autoscale all fields in tables to your current screen. You can also shrink the width of any panel by simply dragging the bottom right corner to the upper left.


    Let me know how I can help!

  8. 9 minutes ago, MrLondon said:

    Frist of all I must say you have done amazing work in such a short period of time. Always happy to assist with noob questions and that is greatly appreciated. As this is your baby I would say whatever is best for you going forward should be what is best to not consume your entire life. I of course I understand the different view points here. I am amazed how much information can be seen in this panel, yes because I only have a 24 inch screen I have to scrawl but I can easily live with that. I cannot wait how this continues and look forward to 1.4 and 1.5.


    Thanks. I really appreciate the feedback. This whole thing is a tough nut to crack. It's a massive undertaking to handle all UNRAID systems/hardware, screen sizes, resolutions, etc.


    I'll keep cranking away at this. Glad you are excited for what's coming, and I appreciate you recognizing that I am trying my best to be respectful of "noob" type questions. Even though they have most likely been covered before, I won't treat them with anything but respect. That is who I am and how I operate.


    Once 1.4 drops, I'll have a better idea of how we move forward. I am really excited for feedback on this next version. I've added some really cool features that are surprises, and I've not mentioned them yet. I certainly find them useful!


    Thanks again for this post!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, trurl said:

    And probably not only the data if it was being used for email abuse. No telling what else has been installed on your server, and it's possible some of that would persist in the form of executables on the flash or on your disks. A fresh install of Unraid on a formatted flash drive, with no plugins, dockers, or VMs configured should take care of it since there would be nothing left to launch anything that might actually still be on your data disks.


    I would also be extremely worried about other devices on your network that had LAN access to that server as well. I would look at EVERYTHING in your router/firewall logs. Look for anything suspicious like open connections/ports (Netstat -a on Windows). Run full virus/malware scans on every device you can. I wouldn't even use the same USB FLASH device when you restore. Get a new key with a new GUID and start from scratch. You could use the same device with a secure erase, but I would just move on ha ha. I would not trust your FLASH backups either as they very well may be compromised with executable code just sitting in there waiting for a network connection. First thing you do is assign a static INTERNAL IP address via your router to the new UNRAID box. Then start adding your dockers/apps. I actually have a BS degree in IS Security, so I'm coming at this from a unique perspective. Good luck!

    • Like 1


    If this was me personally, I would start from complete scratch. Sounds like people are having an all you can eat buffet on your data. I sincerely hope you didn’t have anything sensitive on it!


    Really curious why you would expose your server with a public IP. Was this on purpose? If so, for what reason?

  11. 2 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    Not sure how I feel about this. I've considered splitting into 2 dashboards. UUD and Ultimate Plex Dashboard (UPD), but the same arguments can be made for those that want a one stop shop. So far the DMs and other feedback that I have received is they want a single screen.


    Furthermore, I am only adding Varken for Plex. I'm not doing the other Varken capabilities for the "other" stuff that it is capable of, because I do not personally do that other stuff. 


    In the end the UUD is a great foundation for anyone to build upon. For some it is already too much, for others it doesn't and won't go far enough, and then there are people who are just happy to take what someone else builds them.


    That is why I am trying to add as much documentation, tutorials, resources, and frankly being as generous as I have with my time to support and assist others.


    I supposed I can release 3 different dashboards. The UUD, the UPD, and then the combined UUPD. However, this triples the work moving forward on development. So again, not sure how I feel about this. It's just easier for me personally with the little time I have to commit to this, to just release the UUD with all possible functionality, and then users can adjust as needed.


    I just wanted to also point out that no matter what I release, each time an update is provided, users will ALWAYS need to readjust their variables and ANYTHING that they have changed in the previous revision.


    This has also led me to consider releasing the UUD updates normally, but also offer any user UPON REQUEST a PER PANEL JSON file for those who don't want to lose their personal customizations on an entire dashboard, but also want updates for a specific panel.


    If anyone is reading this, chime in!

  12. 3 hours ago, FreeMan said:



    Not sure how I feel about this. I've considered splitting into 2 dashboards. UUD and Ultimate Plex Dashboard (UPD), but the same arguments can be made for those that want a one stop shop. So far the DMs and other feedback that I have received is they want a single screen.


    Furthermore, I am only adding Varken for Plex. I'm not doing the other Varken capabilities for the "other" stuff that it is capable of, because I do not personally do that other stuff. 


    In the end the UUD is a great foundation for anyone to build upon. For some it is already too much, for others it doesn't and won't go far enough, and then there are people who are just happy to take what someone else builds them.


    That is why I am trying to add as much documentation, tutorials, resources, and frankly being as generous as I have with my time to support and assist others.

  13. 3 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    Something to consider @falconexe


    Instead of hard coding column widths for tables like this:


    Consider leaving no column width override. That way columns will autosize no matter what screen resolution or how wide each end-user decides to tweak his/her columns.


    Your column settings were so wide, I hardly had more than 1 or two visible without side-scrolling. Then I spent a while tweaking the column settings to get them "just right". Then, as an experiment, I deleted all the width overrides and realized I'd wasted a lot of time with the tweaking because they came out basically the same widths on "auto".


    Yeah I'll check it out and might add to 1.4. It was done like this so that vertically stacked panels lined up with each other.

  14. I need it badly. 234 TB and 28 data drives with dual parity. I’d prefer multiple drive arrays, but will take anything I can get. I have multiple onsite, offsite, and cloud  backups of the most critical 14 TB of data, but that leaves a tremendous amount remaining. I’ve been adding to a second backup server over time and between the 2, having a FULL onsite backup we are quickly approaching 500 TB.


    Finally, we run our media production company on UNRAID and high quality raw 4K footage is no joke space-wise. A single video project can be 1 TB by itself.


    Looking forward to the future of UNRAID!

  15. 14 minutes ago, SPOautos said:


    That screen shot I posted is what comes up when I hit the save button in the upper right.

    Hmm that’s probably something to do with GUS (not me or the UUD) and the default rights that were set.


    2 options.


    Save your current JSON to a file, and them completely reimport that JSON into a new dashboard, then delete the old dashboard.


    Or just download and import my 1.3 JSON on post 1. You’ll need to set everything up again though like variables snd any changes you made.


  16. 1 hour ago, SPOautos said:

    Well, I may have missed understood something.....in the OP of this thread where you have 

    👉 Create Telegraf Configuration File 👈 (DO THIS FIRST!)


    Is the Telegraf Configuration File the same thing as the UUD 1.3 that is already installed in GUS or is it something different that I need to install? When I go into GUS and to the 1.3 dashboard there is already a lot of stuff but does the Telegraf Config file change up the dashboard from its default?


    I'm not sure how I install that using GUS.

    You may still need to enable plugins and settings in the Telegraf config that comes with GUS. Wether you make your own, or use the one that comes with GUS, you still need to verify/implement the correct configs. Just ensure everything in the dependencies section is done.

  17. 1 hour ago, SPOautos said:


    Okay, I think I have everything working good. There are some data streams not showing up that I need to address but most of them are working fine. I  made sure all the drop downs at the top of the dashboard have the correct data in them.


    Just to clarify, if I make changes like edit a data stream or add one, ect that change will be lost if I close out the browser tab then later go back to it unless I go through a process where I save the JSON file.  In this image, do I need to just click "save to file" or do I need to "copy to clipboard" then reimport it or something like that?  I'm making changes and just want to make sure I dont lose them.



    Nope. Just click the save button in the upper right any time you make a change.

  18. @SPOautos


    I am merging your last comment from the other topic over here so you can pick up where you left off...


    1 hour ago, SPOautos said:

    I've got "GUS" installed and went into the 1.3 module.  How to I get it to show fan speed and CPU temp? Currently I can see fan speed for each fan in my bios and I can see cpu temps for each core in Unraid, but I've not been able to figure out how to see them in GUS.....I see the "gauges" for them but they have no data going to them.


    I JUST installed this and I'm new to Unraid and computer stuff in general.....so just pounding my way through it and chewing on it a bit trying to figure out how this all works.





    5 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    Hi again Stephen. I'm the developer of the UUD, and for support on UUD, you will want to post this back in the UUD topic where you just came from. Testdasi only supports the dockers and GUS. I support the actual Dashboard, which is what UUD is.


    Please post dashboard related questions to my topic below.  Also include what hardware you are running on (are you on a server, or consumer hardware?).


    I'm heading to bed now, but I or another UUD user will assist soon enough.


    Please continue from here with your questions as this is the official UUD support topic.


    • Like 1
  19. 55 minutes ago, SPOautos said:

    I've got "GUS" installed and went into the 1.3 module.  How to I get it to show fan speed and CPU temp? Currently I can see fan speed for each fan in my bios and I can see cpu temps for each core in Unraid, but I've not been able to figure out how to see them in GUS.....I see the "gauges" for them but they have no data going to them.


    I JUST installed this and I'm new to Unraid and computer stuff in general.....so just pounding my way through it and chewing on it a bit trying to figure out how this all works.





    Hi again Stephen. I'm the developer of the UUD, and for support on UUD, you will want to post this back in the UUD topic where you just came from. Testdasi only supports the dockers and GUS. I support the actual Dashboard, which is what UUD is.


    Please post dashboard related questions to my topic below.  Also include what hardware you are running on (are you on a server, or consumer hardware?).


    I'm heading to bed now, but I or another UUD user will assist soon enough.




  20. 7 minutes ago, SPOautos said:


    Okay, this may be part of the confusion. The one you mentioned...."Grafana Unraid Stack" is actually the one I installed.  So since I installed that one, I do not need to install the others nor your download....its all there in the one package correct?


    I'll swing on over to that thread too and check it out now that I see it has a separate support thread for it.

    And correct, you do not need to install the 3 dockers or the UUD version 1.3 since it is baked in. GUS is a one stop shop for the prerequisite apps you need.


    Your next step is the DEPENDENCIES section on Page 1 > Post 1. This is where you configure everything.


  21. 1 minute ago, SPOautos said:


    Okay, this may be part of the confusion. The one you mentioned...."Grafana Unraid Stack" is actually the one I installed.  So since I installed that one, I do not need to install the others nor your download....its all there in the one package correct?


    I'll swing on over to that thread too and check it out now that I see it has a separate support thread for it.


    The UUD is ONLY a dashboard that can be imported into Grafana. You still need to configure Telegraf's Config File, download/install Telegraf Plugins, etc.


    Let us know if you get stuck anywhere. You got this!

  22. 36 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    You can download GUS from the Apps section of the UNRAID GUI.



    @SPOautos I also STRONGLY suggest you read 👉THIS👈 ENTIRE forum topic as A LOT of tutorials, tips, tricks, guidance, and direction has been included with detailed screenshots.


    Finally, you should also check out GilbN's Tutorial here for a good foundational knowledge of what UUD is and how it works.




    The UUD family has been great! We're all here for you and will get you up and running!


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