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Posts posted by falconexe

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    Wait a minute! You take time out of development/documentation to eat dinner? 


    Did you even check first with your loyal and demanding user base who is paying you absolutely nothing for you to slave away on our behalf?  Unacceptable! 😁

    Ha ha. I really need to get something going for that. I have a Venmo and PayPal, but I just feel bad. I do this for fun... My reward is your LIKES and THANKS.

  2. 1 hour ago, snowmirage said:

    Any chance anyone knows how I can prevent grafana from logging me out / requiring me to relogin so often?

    I haven't timed it but I'm guessing its ~10 min

    Looking at the settings page in the grafana webui I was taking a guess I might need to change the "token_rotation_interval_minutes" value?


    But I'm not sure what environment variable I'd need to set.



    and none of them seemed to change it.

    Try a different browser on the same computer, and then try the same browser on a different computer. That is not normal behavior, nor should you have to explicitly set something to stop this behavior. Out of the box, Grafana does not auto log you off. Credentials are stored in browser cookies. If cookies are cleared, you will have to log in again. Might be a browser specific setting...

  3. 2 hours ago, Ludditus said:

    Thanks for the great dashboard!


    I have one weird situation - incomplete list of Docker containers.  For the Docker CPU and RAM graphs, I can see all 7 of my Docker containers.  For Docker Network TX/RX, I can only see 5 of the 7 (notably, Plex and telegraf aren't reporting).


    Is there a network setting in the containers themselves that is needed in order to report TX/RX via telegraf?  Does it matter if they are in host or bridge network mode?


    Thanks again!



    You're welcome. Glad you are liking it.



    It is one of 2 things.


    1. The query is off, and needs to be adjusted. Please post a screenshot of the actual query by editing the panel.


    2. Some dockers run on virtual networks inside of UNRAID, so IF they show up, they still won't report the correct true bandwidth. I have tested both host and bridge mode and neither solve the issue, but they do route the traffic differently though the internal virtual networks. Even I (the developer) have this issue.  If you look at the new network panel I added in version 1.3, and fire up Plex, you should see 1 or more networks reflect that traffic, it just won't say "Plex".


    That is why I am adding dedicated Plex monitoring to version 1.5. The network monitoring that I am releasing next is PERFECT...


  4. 3 hours ago, SPOautos said:


    I must be doing something wrong....when in the ultimate dashboard 1.3 when I make changes, then save as a JSON file, then go to import that JSON file....it says the file already exists. I have changed the name of the newly downloaded file but when I go to import it, the original name carries forward instead of the name i changed it too. It wont let me get past the file already existing. When I click to overwrite it wont.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


    You need to assign a new unique ID as well. It should be the next field below. You can just add a single character or assign an ID of your choosing.

  5. 3 hours ago, falconexe said:

    I use both Kodi (Main Home Theater Screen) and Plex (In Home/Remote Steaming). I do all scraping with Kodi via .NFO files and then I use the Plex Web Tools plugin with the XBMCNFOMovie/TV apps that allow you to ingest Kodi NFO files into Plex (Plex still refuses to use native .NFO files for ridiculous reasons...)


    Now I just point Plex to my media folders and everything JUST WORKS using the custom XBMC NFO scrapers. I could care less if the Plex database gets corrupted or I need to reinstall the whole thing (I don't even back it up). Since the metadata is stored locally with the media itself, it is the end all be all in my opinion. No more needing to keep 2 sources in sync with Metadata. Obviously the workflow here has a specific order (don't update PLEX until your KODI NFO is out there), but once you learn it, you can't beat it. I also LOVE KODI's custom skins/UI, so I use that with custom player (MPC-BE with MADVR) and it is GLORIOUS in 4K HDR on my OLED.


    They both serve their purposes, but for 4K content, Plex is just not there with HDR > SDR tone mapping yet. And even if it was, I still prefer my beautiful and fully custom KODI UI.



    Here are links explaining/directing you to this Kodi NFO > Plex solution should anyone find it useful. Please let me know if you have questions or need any help setting it up. Happy to help.



    Plex WebTools (Unsupported App Store): https://forums.plex.tv/t/rel-webtools-unsupported-appstore/206843





    NFO Movie Scraper :https://github.com/gboudreau/XBMCnfoMoviesImporter.bundle




    NFO TV Scraper: https://github.com/gboudreau/XBMCnfoTVImporter.bundle





  6. I use both Kodi (Main Home Theater Screen) and Plex (In Home/Remote Steaming). I do all scraping with Kodi via .NFO files and then I use the Plex Web Tools plugin with the XBMCNFOMovie/TV apps that allow you to ingest Kodi NFO files into Plex (Plex still refuses to use native .NFO files for ridiculous reasons...)


    Now I just point Plex to my media folders and everything JUST WORKS using the custom XBMC NFO scrapers. I could care less if the Plex database gets corrupted or I need to reinstall the whole thing (I don't even back it up). Since the metadata is stored locally with the media itself, it is the end all be all in my opinion. No more needing to keep 2 sources in sync with Metadata. Obviously the workflow here has a specific order (don't update PLEX until your KODI NFO is out there), but once you learn it, you can't beat it. I also LOVE KODI's custom skins/UI, so I use that with custom player (MPC-BE with MADVR) and it is GLORIOUS in 4K HDR on my OLED.


    They both serve their purposes, but for 4K content, Plex is just not there with HDR > SDR tone mapping yet. And even if it was, I still prefer my beautiful and fully custom KODI UI.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 hours ago, ptchernegovski said:

    Sweet, thanks. Will wait then for 1.4. Can anything be installed ready for it, or wait to do the whole thing once it's up?


    Yeah, you can go ahead and get everything (InfluxDB, Telegraf, Grafana) installed and configured that is listed in the Dependencies section on Page/Post #1. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ptchernegovski said:

    This looks so good. The 1.4 update looks great. Also can't wait for 1.5 from the sounds of the features in it.
    Will give it a go to install some time over the next few days. Will probably come back here for some help with it all as I haven't done this type of stuff before.

    Thanks. Glad you’re liking it so much! We’ll be here when you take the plunge. I highly recommend waiting until next weekend when 1.4 drops. Well worth the short wait!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

    Man, it took me a while to figure out what you meant. It just hit me that you totally misunderstood my intent, and it's obvious that I wasn't all that clear...


    I was intending it to be a "new user tips & tweaks" or "@falconexe has released a new version and I need to recustomize it, now what the heck did I change last time" type of "customizations to consider", not for more changes for you to make.

    Ahh. Yeah that makes more sense and is appreciated. I took it the other way ha ha. I’ve been working so hard...😂 barely have the time for what I HAVE put out. I was like, how am I gonna make this guy happy, and some of the stuff he’s asking for is simply impossible to code and make it automagically happen LOL.


    My remark was supposed to be comical and facetious. We’re good man. 👍🏻

  10. 4 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    Hence "something you may want to consider" not "you should do it this way!" :). And, consider it you did. ;)


    If I build up some energy for it in the next couple of days, maybe I'll write up a "Customisations to consider" post. Comb through all the posts and put together some text on things that people have had to adapt to make it fit their personal server situation. Deleting extra NICs, naming fans instead of RegEx, adjusting drive free space highlights from absolute to pct and setting thresholds as desired, naming drives instead of serials, etc (Just a couple off the top of my head).


    Please don’t 😂.

  11. Great news everyone. I just finished up CORE development on version 1.4. Now I just need to go through everything over the coming week and perform validation testing. I'm really looking forward to everyone checking it out. We are on track for a release by next weekend. Here's a sneak peek. This is the largest update YET!!!





    And Did Someone Say "Unassigned"? ✔️ 😉










    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, FreeMan said:

    This is what my "Array Storage" section looks like:


    Note that the Free space is highlighted in red. That doesn't make much sense to me considering that I've got 36% of my disk space unused. I went to edit the overrides, looking to change the percentage, figuring that it was just a typo somewhere. In the overrides for the "Free" section, I found this:


    I changed the Thresholds mode to Percentage, then added a Min override and set it to 0. Now my Free space has an orange background. Something you may want to consider for future updates.



    Keep in mind this was based on MY drives and my personal thresholds set in TB (not percent). It is always implied that users will have to make adjustments to their panels in order to accommodate their hardware and personal aesthetic preferences.


    That being said, I'll just do this moving forward. Makes more sense anyway. I was using thresholds based on space that also had to account for different drive units (MB/GB/TB) across the different types of charts (Flash/Cache/Array). So if I just add this new field Used % to all drive tables, it is now universal throughout... If someone wants to change the thresholds, they can just do that.






    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, MrLondon said:

    Actually this is the correct setting, I now updated my setup to this after checking in unraid under system temp and there it list the same chip asmmag05 showed.


    Fair enough. I thought we tried that one and it was returning 0C. Maybe we didn’t wait long enough. No worries, it was 4:30AM my time and was running on no sleep. Glad you got it figured out!

  14. Just now, ainuke said:

    Ahhhh, got it.

    I played ME 2&3 back in the day, but these days mostly VR flight sims. Any time I spend fussing with server stuff is less time flying...

    I turns out switching over to unRaid from WHS was biting off more than I thought. And all because WHS would only recognize half my RAM...

    Nice. I'm deep into MSFS 2020 and Elite Dangerous with a FULL HOTAS. Good times. Wish I had more time...

  15. 1 minute ago, ainuke said:

    Wow, that's something else; maybe for the future, LOL.

    In the circles I run in, I start talking about running a home media server with automatic downloads of the shows we watch, and people look at me like I'm a freaking wizard. It looks like what you're into is on a whole other plane of existence... I haven't graduated from the vanilla unRaid UI. First function, then form.

    I assume you're running Mass Effect servers?


    No, I'm just a huge fan LOL. We actually run a media production company on our 2 servers. "MassEffect" and "MassRelay".

  16. Just now, ainuke said:

    So you have bulkrenameutility on a separate PC, and watch DropBox for added files, which it then renames and sends to unRaid?


    A little more work-around-y than I was hoping for, but I'll give it some thought...

    Thanks for the response!



    Yeah I just do it from Windows 10. I have DropBox download the photos locally, I rename them in batches by month, and then upload to UNRAID. There are a few reasons for this.

    1. I did not know about the docker app you mentioned (thanks). Not sure if I will use it for security concerns (but a nice to know option).
    2. Dropbox has BULLETPROOF GeoUploading of my photos to the cloud. I have never missed one using my iPhones.
    3. NextCloud's auto GeoUpload on iOS is abysmal and kept missing files, so I could not trust it. So a pure UNRAID solution had to be scrapped.
    4. The DropBox docker app is something I could never figure out, since it appears to be CLI only. (never really looked into it seriously though)

    So for me, iCloud is really just a backup, and I use Dropbox as my main source of truth. Once I upload to UNRAID, I delete them from the cloud. I have everything backed up locally, offsite, and in the cloud once final processing is completed.


    Just one way to do it. Not the best, not the worst...

  17. I do the same thing with DropBox and a Windows App called "Bulk Rename Utility". It is free and fantastic! You can add what every you want to as many files as you want dynamically. It fully supports all manner of renaming, including using the existing "Modified/Create Date", and also supports REGEX.


    I prefix all of my photos//videos with the Modified Date and put it in a format of YYYY-MM-DD_HHmmss_Filename.extension. Works like a charm!






  18. 13 hours ago, falconexe said:


    @MrLondon Hey man. Glad we got your AMD Threadripper CPU temps and fans working!!! Can you post pictures of the queries we made so we can document for others who have to use the "sensors" plugin on consumer hardware, instead of IPMI on server hardware? I'll be adding this code to 1.4 as alternate queries.



    This is what I came up with when dialed into MrLondon's computer WAY early this morning.



    CPU - AMD Ryzen (For his setup, this is the only one that worked)





    Fans (We turned off REGEX and Manually Set):





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