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Posts posted by falconexe

  1. 1 hour ago, SPOautos said:

    Awesome looking dashboard! I just downloaded the app, I'll try to figure out what all I need to do tomorrow to get it going.


    On a side note, with CPU usage, is it possible to see what all is running and how much CPU each is using? (kind of like how Win task manager does). There are times where my CPU usage gets kind of high but I have a lot of things going and not sure which one is running up the resource usage.


    Excited to get this setup, looks great! 


    That not I am aware of in Grafana. But what you are looking for is call HTOP. Click on the terminal and type it in.









    And Here's a Bonus:


    20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance



  2. Just now, ChatNoir said:

    You solve UPS issue, I realized I had a comma instead of a dot in the energy cost.

    This is the correct way to do it in France and I just pasted it from my utility supplier. Now that I fixed it 0,1557 to 0.1557 I am good on that front. ;)

    I am sharing in case it can help others.


    Cool. De rien!

    • Haha 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, falconexe said:

    I'll look into it. I run the same code with those variables and my graphs display fine. It is possible that when I made the variable name change, there are lines of code remnants looking for the old variable. I am going to tear it down at the code level and look for anything weird in the JSON. I'll also branch this version and rename the variables and queries back to the original name to see if that solves it. Stay tuned.


    @shwa87 So I looked at the code, and everything looks perfect. Everything acts correctly. Can you try putting in a different value in to the UPS variables (MaxWatts and kWh)? Save the dashboard, and then refresh? If it works, put the values back and save again.


    The only time I have ever seen this is if those 2 variables are not set.


    If I empty those 2 variables, this is what I see.






    If I put them back I get. 







    If the issue persists, can you post a screenshot of your UPS section?

  4. 1 hour ago, shwa87 said:

    Hey @falconexe.  First off - thanks for the lesson on doing the cpu information the "old" way.  I explored doing that, but then I took the time to dive into the regex and it was ridiculously simple.


    I also finally got back to the UPS portion and I did figure some things out with the UPS stats.  It seems that any panel that utilizes a variable is not getting parsed.  The variable doesn't seem to get included in the query.. for example in this query:


    SELECT last("load_percent") * .01 * $upsmaxwatt/1000 FROM "apcupsd" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)

    the "$upsmaxwatt" isn't getting passed, the query inspector shows "error parsing query: found /, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 37".  This error is happening with each variable and I cannot for the life of me figure out why the variable isn't getting passed - they are all filled out.


    For giggles I installed a different panel that includes UPS stats (Unraid System Dashboard v2 from @GilbN) and the UPS data on his works out of the box, and other than the variable names they appear identical in query structure.


    Thoughts?  Anything else I can supply or look at to help figure this out?



    I'll look into it. I run the same code with those variables and my graphs display fine. It is possible that when I made the variable name change, there are lines of code remnants looking for the old variable. I am going to tear it down at the code level and look for anything weird in the JSON. I'll also branch this version and rename the variables and queries back to the original name to see if that solves it. Stay tuned.

  5. 1 hour ago, FreeMan said:

    I still have v1.2 installed. Oddly, it's showing the same symptom.


    It is probably something wonky in Grafana. If it's still showing like this when you release v1.4, I'll uninstall & reinstall the Grafana docker. In the meantime, as I said, it's a mild nuisance, not a "problem". It's more annoying that it's weird and without an obvious solution than it is to look at.


    Don't sweat it!

    Yeah definitely something specific to your system, and I agree, something sounds corrupted. Let us know if you get it fixed and how you did. It may help someone else someday.

  6. 14 minutes ago, ctrlaltd1337 said:

    Is there a way to not include my /downloads share in the array growth calculation? It will delete itself eventually so it's not a big deal, but if I could just not include that share in the calculation that would be awesome. :)




    Nope, share paths do not exist inside of "disk" which is the plugin grabbing that data. /mnt/user is the path for the array disks. Since the share sits on 1 or more disks in the array, it get's counted. The only thing I can think of is put that share on a single disk and remove it from the query where path DOES NOT EQUAL that disk.

  7. 28 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

    Done. Still have the non-functional scroll bars on the horizontal graphs.


    More of a mild nuisance than a "problem" - work on higher priority items.

    Unfortunately, this is not something I can fix. I have never heard of this before and have no idea what could have caused it. You are the only person reporting this so far.


    I would try installing a secondary copy of 1.3 and see if the default version has the same issue. You could also try reverting your current dashboard to a previous version before the appdata backup and see if that helps.


    Perhaps the appdata plugin corrupted something? I myself use the same exact setup and don't have the issue and I've backed up 4 times now since I started.


    Try those 2 options and let me know if it get's fixed. I'd also be curious if this happens from another computer and also a different browser.



  8. Quick UUD development update. Work on Version 1.4 continues. It is going to be a few more weeks before it is released. Thousands of lines of code, new panels, bug fixes, optimizations, and even more capability (including multi server). Thanks again for all of your feedback and continued support. My Wife hates me right now (JK), but you guys love me, so....😂


    As a way to assist the UUD community, IF you have your UUD working, and would like to assist, troubleshoot, and guide new users along, that would be fantastic. The more support I do, the longer it takes for 1.4 to drop. I have multiple day jobs and also run a company, so time is limited. I appreciate it! Have a great coming week everyone!

  9. 1 hour ago, MrLondon said:

    you were correct, somehow the uncomment to attributes was back to having a #, I have removed it and now I have more information but it is still only showing the information for 2 drives not all 17. in the docker i have this line 


    /bin/sh -c 'apk update && apk upgrade && apk add ipmitool && apk add smartmontools && apk add lm_sensors && telegraf'





    Please confirm that you restarted the Dockers in this order.


    Stop: Grafana > Telefraf > InfluxDB

    Start: InfluxDB > Telegraf > Grafana


    Please also clear your browser history/cookies. Enough time should have pass by now for a few new datapoints to be inputted into the database, so I would expect all of these drives to have data in many of these fields. I built the query to retag NULL values as "N/A" as well, so even if some are missing, due to different drives technologies where some attributes do not apply, it won't break anything.


    Finally, I cannot guarantee that something didn't change within the query and/or related settings (either intentionally or by accident). If all else fails, you can try loading the following JSON into just that panel to "reset" it back to the default that was released in version 1.3. I already provided those instructions on how to accomplish this above in past posts. They have also been posted numerous times within this topic (see page 10).


    Drive S.M.A.R.T. Health Overview.txt


    Once you do all of this, please post a screenshot of both the query raw data table and the actual panel again. And Report Back...



  10. 10 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    I'm also noticing that you see to be missing data any time "smart_attribute" is being called, but you do have data for "smart_device".


    @MrLondon Yeah, so you missed the following when you installed it.




    Within the telegraf.conf, you need to add/uncomment/set to true the following line.





    Get that fixed and restart all 3 dockers (Grafana/Telegraf/InfluxDB). I'm betting your issue will be resolved!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, MrLondon said:

    something is strange. I have 17 drives in the system 2 parity, 1 cache and 14 data drives but my table does not list them all and I don't have all the headers you are showing in your table, how is this possible?




    It is possible something was missed in the install/config with S.M.A.R.T. I'm noticing that you seem to be missing data any time "smart_attribute" is being called, but you do have data for "smart_device".

  12. 7 minutes ago, falconexe said:


    Yeah you'll need to use sensors for that MB/CPU hardware config. IPMI will not work.


    @MrLondon Here is a sample CPU query using sensors from GilbN's original dashboard. Not sure if it will work for you, as I can't test it on server hardware, but if you plug this in, it might just work.




    Here is the JSON for that single query too. First save the dashboard. Duplicate the current panel. You can then click the new panel, select "Inspect > Panel JSON", remove the old JSON code, and past this in and click Apply.



      "datasource": "$telegrafdatasource",

      "fieldConfig": {

        "defaults": {

          "custom": {},

          "unit": "celsius",

          "min": 0,

          "max": 100,

          "thresholds": {

            "mode": "absolute",

            "steps": [


                "color": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",

                "value": null



                "color": "#EAB839",

                "value": 50



                "color": "red",

                "value": 75




          "mappings": []


        "overrides": []


      "gridPos": {

        "h": 12,

        "w": 11,

        "x": 2,

        "y": 18


      "hideTimeOverride": true,

      "id": 128,

      "interval": "$interval",

      "links": [],

      "options": {

        "reduceOptions": {

          "values": false,

          "calcs": [



          "fields": ""


        "orientation": "horizontal",

        "displayMode": "lcd",

        "showUnfilled": true


      "pluginVersion": "7.1.5",

      "targets": [


          "alias": "$tag_feature $tag_chip",

          "groupBy": [


              "params": [



              "type": "time"



              "params": [



              "type": "tag"



              "params": [



              "type": "tag"



          "measurement": "sensors",

          "orderByTime": "ASC",

          "policy": "default",

          "query": "SELECT distinct(\"temp_input\") FROM \"sensors\" WHERE (\"chip\" = 'coretemp-isa-0000' AND \"feature\" = 'core_0') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)",

          "rawQuery": false,

          "refId": "C",

          "resultFormat": "time_series",

          "select": [



                "params": [



                "type": "field"



                "params": [],

                "type": "last"




          "tags": [


              "key": "feature",

              "operator": "!~",

              "value": "/.*package/"





      "title": "$host - CPU Temp",

      "transformations": [],

      "type": "bargauge",

      "cacheTimeout": null,

      "description": "",

      "timeFrom": null,

      "timeShift": null




  13. 16 minutes ago, MrLondon said:

    Hi thanks for the reply, I am using a AMD motherboard and the temp is shown in unraid itself. It is a Asrock B450 motherboard with 2600 amd processor. Here is the explore screen you requested




    Yeah you'll need to use sensors for that MB/CPU hardware config. IPMI will not work.


    The S.M.A.R.T. query looks normal on your screenshot, but I also need to see the data.


    Can you scroll down and post a screenshot of the table below? It looks like this. Feel free to sanitize the serial numbers out. We need to see where the data is falling out. AKA, what drives and/or fields are not showing up (if any).



  14. 4 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    Firefox closed for an update and they're still there. I didn't clear cache/cookies, though. It does remain after a Ctrl-F5 hard refresh of the tab, and after close/reopen the tab.


    I do have the `--restart=always` parameter set for one of the 3 dockers (don't recall which) per your earlier instructions, but I've never had any issue with dockers starting with a server restart or after a CA Backup run.


    Interestingly, this is not the first CA Backup run since installing all this stuff, it just happens to be the one that caused a weird visual glitch.


    Clear cache and cookies and report back.

  15. 10 hours ago, MrLondon said:

    I followed these steps and updated the advanced settings of the telegraf docker and restarted all 3 docker containers but the cpu temps and other sensors are still not shown, I have also run the apk add lm_sensors and that seems to also have worked. How quickly am I meant to see any output in Grafana?

    Also my smart dics heath output does not look like the sample screenshots, is there something I need to still change?



    What kind of hardware are you running on? If you can't use IPMI (AKA you are on non-server hardware), which the dashboard is currently configured for, you will need to modify the queries to instead use "Sensors" now that you have that plugin installed and activated.


    @GilbN do you have any example query language you can send him for sensors?


    Grafana should display output immediately and will refresh based on your currently set interval.


    Please let us know what your S.M.A.R.T. query looks like. Right click the plane and click "Explore". Screenshot both the query and data so we can see what you are dealing with.

  16. 44 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

    The main issue I had was with the Enable in Telegraf for various stuff.

    I do understand the concept of comment and un-comment stuff, but I am certainly no programer and it was not obvious what I was suppose to do precisly:

    • What uncomment (mostly just the "title" of the section)
    • and how much to remove (the # plus the following space)

    On my first tries, I uncommented way to much in those sections and had plenty of error in the docker log.


    Then you don't mention to add the InfluxDB IP adress + port so it was not doing much. Seems silly but I had to figure it out.


    That out of the way, I had some trouble within Grafana to add the InfluxDB. Didn't saw your link to GilbN tutorial but did find one on Reddit.


    After that, I did do some tuning of course but within the things I was able to understand. I am going slow and tackling one issue at the time. :) 

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been debating wether or not to just include a default Telegraf config. I’ll probably do this now so all anyone has to do is add their host/IP address in there. That way everything on the UUD will just work without much fussing around with code.


    Furthermore, I’ll probably end up making COMPLETE install instructions instead of pointing people to other websites. Just need some time to write it all up. I’m currently super deep into developing Version 1.4...and it’s a massive update.


    We’ll continue to dial the UUD in with each release. It’s a ton of work and planning as you can imagine. So far, everyone is loving it. There is a slight learning curve, but the ROI is tremendous and this entire thing is just plain friggen cool!

  17. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:


    Anyhow, I kinda managed. Some stuff on the APC are missing and the CPU Temps are blank. I probably have to adjust some stuff and I'll work on it one of those days.



    Finally, let us know when you would like to tackle the APC/CPU temps issue. One thought on CPU temps is that you may not be running on server hardware, and therefore IPMI doesn't apply. In that case you can try using the sensors plugin. I'll be adding this support to version 1.4.

  18. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Hey, did install it yesterday.


    Did it the old fashion way instead of using testdasi complete package. It was not easy to be honnest since the steps in the first post take some things for granted.


    Out of curiosity, what "things" were taken for granted? I really want to improve this as much as possible.


    Note: I did point everyone to GilbN's great tutorial off of his website. Take a look at that and let me know if there are any things I need to add to my topic. Keep in mind, my topic just shows Dependencies and has SOME setup. I assume that if you are looking into Grafana, you have some basic understanding of what it is/does.






    Perhaps I need to do a full blown install instructions?

  19. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Also, their is something weird on the network side. I have tabs and graphs for two network connections but the second one is somehow indicated as 10GBe.

    My actual config has indeed two ports on the board but 2x 1GBe and they are bonded in unraid (not sure the second part matters).







    It should read real capacity from the hardware or linux ?


    Again, you'll need to adjust to your hardware. You'll have to pick the correct NIC(s) in ALL of the network related queries, and then you'll need to adjust the Panel TITLE to reflect what you picked.





  20. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    A few things might be improved :

    • my CPU load tab is splitted in two despite having only one CPU but OK. However, the split is not an equal 14/14 but 16/12 and it looks weird :


    Is it not taking into account the number of thread from the setup ?


    The UUD comes out of the box with a 2 CPU setup. You just need to delete the "CPU 02" panel if you are only running 1 CPU.


    The REGEX will need to be adjusted, or you can manually select your cores on "CPU 01". Please go back and re-read the topic. A few pages back, I helped another user with this exact issue and showed him how to fix it manually. I'll see if I can find link for you...


    EDIT: Here is the post where I teach how to manually add cores.



    Click the arrow in the upper right... image.png.5250e6d735597530a41a4741c3a4fa74.png

  21. 2 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Hey, did install it yesterday.


    Did it the old fashion way instead of using testdasi complete package. It was not easy to be honnest since the steps in the first post take some things for granted.

    Anyhow, I kinda managed. Some stuff on the APC are missing and the CPU Temps are blank. I probably have to adjust some stuff and I'll work on it one of those days.


    A few things might be improved :

    • my CPU load tab is splitted in two despite having only one CPU but OK. However, the split is not an equal 14/14 but 16/12 and it looks weird :


    Is it not taking into account the number of thread from the setup ?

    • Also, their is something weird on the network side. I have tabs and graphs for two network connections but the second one is somehow indicated as 10GBe.

    My actual config has indeed two ports on the board but 2x 1GBe and they are bonded in unraid (not sure the second part matters).







    It should read real capacity from the hardware or linux ?


    First off, congrats on getting this far!


    Please keep in mind, AND THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE, that on Post #1 I clearly state the following:






    You just finished PHASE 1, which is getting the dang thing installed and having a baseline.


    You now NEED to start PHASE 2, which is configuring the Dashboard for YOUR HARDWARE. The UUD provides all of the tools for a maxed out system, like mine, so we can have a broad brush to encompass all manner of UNRAID systems. IF you don't have a feature, you can simply delete/adjust the panel(s) as required to suite your own needs.


    Due to the nature of what this thing is, and the millions of users out there, it would be impossible for the UUD to be released already knowing exactly what is on a user's system. That is why we use REGEX to attempt this, but you still need to adjust that sometimes. So you can either adjust the REGEX or go the old fashioned way and manually add your stuff to the queries and remove the REGEX.


    I highly recommend you, and anyone else having similar concerns, spend some time and read this ENTIRE topic. I have covered many of these items extensively with instructions, code, and screenshots. I'm starting to see a pattern where new users install UUD, and have the same issues over and over. I've been happy to help thus far, but it is taking a lot of my time supporting, instead of actually developing new features. Note: This is not anything to do with you personally, I'm just using this post as an opportunity to educate.


    I'm hoping to empower those that use UUD with knowledge, so they can help themselves as much as possible. Just like I learned, everyone who uses UUD will have to get familiar with the basics. This is extremely powerful, but you have to know some things about it to use that power. Less than a month ago, I knew absolutely ZERO about this, now I am here writing this...😃



    • Like 1
  22. 3 hours ago, FreeMan said:

    Interesting. CA Backup shut down all my dockers last night so it could do its weekly backup. I'm good with that, nothing much happening on the server at 2am on Sat...


    However, when I look at the dash after everything came back up, a vertical scroll bar has appeared on all the horizontal bar graphs.


    There is no scrolling happening when I hit the up/down arrows on the scroll bar, it just sits there, mocking me.


    I'm elbows deep in a car repair today (just waiting for the PB Blaster to loosen some rust), so I probably won't look at this again for another 4-6 hours, but if you've got any thoughts, I'll try 'em out later.

    Hmm, that is a weird one. I've gone thought he CA backup process and have not seen that. I assume if you refresh, or close/reopen the window, it remains?


    I'm sure you are already doing this, but one thought is to make sure that all 3 Dockers (Grafana/Telegraf/InfluxDB) are all set to auto restart. The way I acomplish this is defining an Extra Parameter in each Docker of "--restart=always". Or you can use the buttons to auto restart in the UNRAID GUI.




    If this issue still persists after refreshing/reopening Grafana, try closing the browsers, clearing your cache/cookies, and reload.


    Report back. My next backup is Monday at 5AM.

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