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Posts posted by Mattaton

  1. I am trying to google this, but everything I see is talking about setting up a VPN on unRAID, connecting to unRAID via VPN, not having unRAID connect to a remote network via VPN.


    I have Wireguard configured on pfSense in my home. I have an unRAID server in a remote location that I want to have "dial in" to my home network and basically appear as though it's on my local network.


    I'm looking at the VPN Manager, but as a relative novice--especially with Wireguard--I'm having a hard time equating the terms to what I set up for a Windows machine as the "client." (I know Wireguard doesn't use the terms server and client and that basically what I am considering the server and client both have tunnels and peers set up from their POV. - That just makes it more confusing when unRAID's VPN settings are using slightly different terms.)


    So, how do I only set the unRAID Wireguard to be the "client" peer to my pfSense Wireguard?


    Looking at the Wireguard Quickstart, but the scenarios are a little off from what I'm trying to do. LAN to LAN and VPN Tunneled Access are close, but not quite. I don't need access to the LAN on the unRAID server side (only need access to the server itself, along with any containers it may be running) and I don't want all the unRAID server's traffic going through the tunnel.


  2. 21 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    I am successfully using both the G2 and G3 models with Unraid.    I believe that there is some question as to whether all G3 ones have unique GUIDs but hopefully you will find you are OK.

    I ended up with G2s, so hopefully I'm good 🙂 

  3. 8 minutes ago, ConnerVT said:

    I believe what ChatNoir was getting at is there's a difference between a card reader providing a GUID vs one that provides a unique GUID.


    This is what is at the root of the issue that this thread discusses.  Many of the counterfeit flash drives don't bother to burn in a unique serial number, but rather just put the same number on every one they crank out (when they bother to do so at all).  These drives work in Unraid for the first person who registers it.  The second person (and everyone else that tries) is out of luck.

    I think what was meant (or at least how I took it) is that if I potentially bought a used one on eBay, the GUID may have already been registered with unRAID and therefore would be worthless to me.

    I get how it works and what the issues are, which is why I rely on folks like @Hoopster for some real-world experience with a particular device. Unless he is the only one ever successful in using one of these (which I suppose is possible - but it doesn't sound like it), then it probably has a unique GUID per reader, and not per model.

    I certainly appreciate the caution! Thanks! 🙂 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

    Note that if the reader has already been used and registered for Unraid, you will not be able to assign your licence to its GUID.

    They're supposedly brand new, in-box. So I hope this won't be an issue for me. But yes, you're right. Thanks!

  5. Follow-up to my previous post.

    I tried changing the key names in the template to better match what's shown on the db-backup github page. That got rid of some of the deprecation warnings, but it still mishandles and shuffles the values when the script runs as in my first attempts.


    From what I see on the github page, it also seems like you can back up more than one type of database (or multiple instances of the same type) from one container instance by prefixing the key names with DB01, DB02, etc. It'd be great if this functionality could carry through with the unRAID template.


    I wonder if this template was initially only meant to work with MySQL/MariaDB and therefore never tested with PostgreSQL.


    @A75G I hate to be a bother, but if you could offer some insight, I'd love to get this working.



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  6. 10 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    You might find them on eBay. 


    Also, there is an older thread in these forums on card readers that have a unique GUID and work with Unraid.  I will link it when I find it but I am headed out the door right now for a few hours.

    Nice. I was able to find one on eBay. Looking forward to giving this a shot. 🙂 

    P.S.: "Vacation Home"....I'm jelly 😄 

  7. 5 hours ago, danktankk said:

    There is nothing to elaborate.  I have it working fine and admittedly, it is a very nice replacement.  I have everything as it should be and it was very easy to do so.  I even used the svg icons from the former plugin as well.  The plugins documentation was all I needed to get it to work as expected and it is also intuitively configured 'out of the box' to where I had minimal issues with configuring anything extra that I wanted.

    You are 100% right that unraid, nor the maintainers of this plugin have anything to do with docker folders deprecation and it wouldn't matter anyway.  Complaining about free software from people that work hard to provide anything beneficial is not the best use of ones time to say the least.  It was late, I was tired and just hated checking "one last thing real quick" only to find i needed to "fix" yet another problem from doing nothing more than well.... nothing.  It still surprises me that you can literally do nothing and break your install for [insert linux distro here].  Thats just how linux is.  It's by design and I totally get it.  

    That being said, I would just like to thank all here that have made this new plugin possible and also offer my sincere apologies for my momentary lapse in logical thought.  TL:DR  My bad lol



    It will need further refinement on my end to work for me, but I was able to do this in less than 15 minutes having never used this plugin before.  Well done on the ease of use!

    Awesome! Glad you got it working for you! And hey, we've all been there. Thanks for being cool about it. 😊

    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    This is exactly what I do.  Two of my three Unraid servers use Kingston Mobilite G2 or G3 (no longer available) card readers for the Unraid flash drive.  I use the other slot in the card reader for the syslog.  Been using these readers for 10+ years with no issues.

    Ah man. That's awesome, but a shame they aren't available any longer. Any suggestions on alternatives?

  9. 4 hours ago, danktankk said:

    this isnt working at all for me..  6.12.3 user and the original plugin was janked out and I was forced to move to this if i want similar functionality, which there was ZERO warning for....


    just another reason to leave unraid.  i cannot express how bad this pisses me off without being banned from this forum.

    Such is the nature of a community-driven plugin ecosystem. Which isn't unique to unRAID. unRAID didn't create the old plugin or this one, so there would be no warning from them. The development for the old plugin died and I'm glad @scolcipitato created this one. He's very responsive and helpful in the development and improvement of it.


    Can you elaborate on what isn't working for you? We'll be glad to try to help you with it.


    I think most of us have FolderView working just as well or better than Docker Folders at this point.

    • Like 2
  10. Slightly off-topic, but is there any truth or evidence to the claims where people have used SD cards in USB readers/adapters or SSDs connected with USB cables? Supposedly unRAID pulls the ID of the reader or SSD holder/connector and registers that which then allows the user to swap the SD card or SSD if it goes bad. So as long as the reader or holder/connector is good, then unRAID is "happy."

    If this indeed works, it sure takes a lot of the headache out of swapping flash drives. Just pop out the bad SD card, restore to a new one and you're good to go.


    I haven't tried it, but I do have an external enclosure for NVMe SSDs. When I connect it to my Windows machine, it sees the enclosure as the device and not the SSD. Maybe that's how unRAID would see it, too? If it has a GUID, you're golden?

    When I connect the enclosure, it gives Vendor, Product, and Serial Number. Although the serial number doesn't seem quite unique: 012345678930 ??? So, yeah, probably not with this.

    I just plugged an SD card into a little USB reader/adapter. The reader comes up with a more unique serial, but still nowhere near the length of the serial on a flash drive.

    Vendor ID : 0x0BDA (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)

    Product ID : 0x0120

    Serial: 200604130921XXXXX

  11. 4 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    I assume that you have seen this thread:


    There are five pages of discussion on this problem and, if you have not read it, you may find some insight there.


    Within that thread is this post:


    Those drives are a option but I believe they are pricey.

    I had read the first PSA post of that thread, but definitely not the entire thread. So, I knew to steer clear of Sandisk...although I still find a lot of rather current posts on Reddit and elsewhere that people are using SanDisk with no issues. So I assume this comes back to the counterfeit crud on Amazon. Maybe they got them at a Big Box Store or something instead of Amazon.


    I've never heard of Kanguru. I guess if they're tested. I know the flash drive doesn't matter THAT much as long as it works. When shopping, reputable brands just give better odds of working, I suppose.

  12. Are you guys having any luck finding decent USB drives on Amazon that are proven to work for unRAID?


    I have bought Samsung BAR Plus and FIT Plus in the past based on SpaceInvaderOne's video, but even those aren't available on Amazon anymore. They're 64GB and up. Which makes sense from a typical use-case for the drives, but not so much for unRAID. And those weren't even USB2.0. That's even harder to find.


    And with Sandisk no longer being recommended, that cuts out a big reputable brand...although not so reputable where unRAID is concerned, I suppose.


    Where are you guys landing drives these days? About to get a license for a new server and I need a drive! 🙂 



  13. I need some help with the db-backup container...

    Backups of MySQL server in separate container work fine. Instance for Postgres fails. Postgres logs say:

    2023-11-21 03:00:00.852 EST [535] FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dbbackup" 
    2023-11-21 03:00:00.852 EST [535] DETAIL: Role "dbbackup" does not exist. Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 100: "host all all all scram-sha-256" 
    2023-11-21 03:00:00.872 EST [536] FATAL: database "admin" does not exist

    But DB_NAME and DB_USER are not set to be admin or dbbackup. So where is it getting that from?

    The login credentials the container has are correct and work fine to log in via Adminer.

    If I run backup-now in the container terminal, I get this:

    psql: error: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: database "admin" does not exist

    Are the keys in the template wrong for postgreSQL?


    Manual run with debug mode on shows this as the command sent:

    psql -h -U admin -p 5432 -d admin -c 'COPY (SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false) TO STDOUT;'

    Looks like it's set the port number as the password (unless -p is for port?) and the username (admin) as the database name?

    Here are my settings. It looks correct, but it doesn't seem the variables are being parsed correctly for postgresql.



    Tried it all on a different unRAID server. Same error. It comes back saying database "-DB_USER-" does not exist.
    There is something broken in how the query is parsed from the container variables. They don't work the same from mysql to pgsql.


    Other than the above issues...I am also seeing a lot of deprecation warnings and the keys for the template don't match the keys spec'ed on the github page for db-backup.

    2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Deprecated and unsupported variable 'DB_DUMP_BEGIN' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
    2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Deprecated and unsupported variable 'DB_DUMP_FREQ' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
    2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Legacy unsupported variable 'COMPRESSION' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
    2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Legacy unsupported variable 'SPLIT_DB' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0


    • Like 1
  14. I just noticed an error (PHP Warning) on the UPS Settings page.


    Under the UPS Details portion where it used to show, well, the UPS details, it now just says this:

    Warning: Undefined variable $freq in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.apcupsd/include/UPSstatus.php on line 90


    Any ideas how I can fix this?

  15. 1 minute ago, nukecat said:

    Found something new,Not correctly displayed in Dashboard tab.


    All expanded:



    All compressed:







    Could we add a setting that disabled FolderView in Dashboard tab,show all containers in default way.


    Thank you.


    You probably want to look into custom CSS for that. You can make it look however you want with the classes @scolcipitato has put on the elements.

  16. Just now, Revan335 said:

    Many Thanks! @Mattaton


    I don't see the Unlock/Sort Buttons.🤦‍♂️

    Depends on which unRAID theme you are using. For the Black and White themes, the lock icon is in the upper-right corner. For the Gray and Azure themes, it should be toward the bottom of the left column menu (I'm not exactly sure since I'm not using one of those themes).

    The sort order lock is an unRAID feature and is not added or edited by FolderView. It was added with unRAID 6.12+

    • Thanks 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Revan335 said:

    How can I change the Sort of the Folders and her Content?


    Please add GUI Options for this. For example Alphabet A-Z

    Sorting is done by drag and drop, both on the docker page (must unlock sort order first with lock icon in the upper right corner) and within each folder settings page.

    This question has been asked and answered several times recently. Scroll back and search the topic. 😊

    • Thanks 1
  18. 12 minutes ago, TeamTiger said:

    Hi There,
    I luved the Folder Plugin, with this new one, i´m missing a important feature, or it isn´t working.
    I could drag the Folders to the position i wanted them. 
    But now with this new plugin it won´t work, and a new created folder is automatically placed on Top.
    So thats an issue, no the order is totally off.

    Is there a way to fix this?


    This isn't the plugin, it's an unRAID version. 6.12 added the lock which you have to unlock before reordering the folders or containers. Then relock it. It's the same with or without the Folderview plugin.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:


    As the custom js script added in some versions befor, maybe we can add some message in js in state when autostrarted container stopped? 

    In web Gui also email, discord if it possible at all ? 

    Maybe you can give some example if it not too hard? 

    Not a bad idea and could be cool, but maybe try something like Uptime Kuma to track your containers and be notified if they go down.

    If @scolcipitato adds something, great, but Uptime Kuma is sweet.

    • Like 2
  20. 5 minutes ago, sipa said:

    I'm messing with the part of adding the border around the folder name, I have it around the containers and the dividers work. I put the .css in the /boot/config/plugins/folder.view/styles/ folder it states to. Nothing seems to change though, I pressed ctrl f5. It is the compact2 Hernandito custom-docker.css, I'm not well versed in all this. sorry. Do i need to do anything other than just add the .css and it should work? Note I am also on the dark mode. I changed themes and nothing seems to work. 

    Also, if you want a dark mode theme, I have themes compatible with the built in black and gray themes. See my signature for a link.

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