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Community Answers

  1. Soooo, lets say someone 😐 entered a YT channel, and now the whole channel is downloading. Stopping/Restarting the container is not cancelling the download. How do I do that does someone cancel the process now? (Edit) I loove its simplicity, and clean layout, but really why isn't there a stop button?
  2. 🙃 I thought this was implemented but when I went to actually use it today I see that it isn't. I guess we wait now.
  3. This seems like a great option for unraid. Should be added to unraid by default IMO. I haven't added it yet just because I can't be bothered to stay on top of it to ensure it works well. For example Nextcloud is already pushing its luck with the random issues it has that requires manual updates, etc.
  4. I updated without backing up the USB, restarted without stopping the array...lolyolo Updated without issues, no parity check, (everything went as expected). Thank you team!
  5. Not sure what kind of black magic you guys did but my Unraid server runs about 50w lower on idle. I read somewhere that someone mention they were having lower power usage too from this update. I'm still on 6.12.3 and my system is running pretty solid (I will upgrade once I'm ready to mess with ZFS, need a few new hard drives too). Anyway, great job Unraid team!
  6. I can't find this location and/or file: "Upon boot, if all PCI devices specified in 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' do not properly bind, VM Autostart is prevented. You may still start individual VMs. This is to prevent Unraid host crash if hardware PCI IDs changed because of a kernel update or physical hardware change. To restore VM autostart, examine '/var/log/vfio-pci-errors' and remove offending PCI IDs from 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file and reboot." I found the second one, the config file. Where can I find this? (Don't have a var folder in the USB, and the 'logs' folder has other type of logs) So, I went and deleted the 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file. Hopefully this will fix it, If it doesn't I'll edit and update. 1. If the system knows about it (by throwing the error) why doesn't it just fix it? 2. Please see one again.
  7. Getting this email when I start the server: Event: VM Autostart disabled Subject: vfio-pci-errors Description: VM Autostart disabled due to vfio-bind error Importance: alert Please review /var/log/vfio-pci-errors
  8. Upgraded from 6.11.5 to 6.12 without problems. Everything seems to be working fine... ... but how do I reset the dashboard layout, I know I read it sometime before but I forgot. Doesn't seem to be something that is clearly visible. found it.. its the blue wrench at the main panel.
  9. Thanks for the additional info. Now I know for sure I won't be touching that until it is fully released. 🙃 IMO, this update should be pushed back until it is ready for full ZFS support.
  10. 1. I think so, but also depends on your use case. It is a RC not a stable release so I wouldn't put production data or important data while using a RC. 2. I actually would like to know this too, but I assume no as there has been no mention of it from what I've read.
  11. Awesome! Thank you for the update, can't wait to start using this. Looks like I may need to upgrade my server now.
  12. Just checking back to report the issue. Seems like the slight OC I had on the CPU started to catch up to it. During Plex schedule tasks which are a bit CPU intensive caused the CPU to thermal lock. Once I turned the OC off now it reaches 83c (which is still a lot) but continues to run without issue. Looking to upgrade the cooler now, maybe just update the whole system as it was just an old gaming computer that became the server kinda thing. Any recommendations?
  13. I have copied the syslog from the USB's log folder.
  14. Ok, Turned that option to Yes. Meanwhile, here are the logs for this mornings crash using the previous settings I posted. Let me know if these help any. Also, curious to know where in the logs do you look? I was checking out \logs\syslog.txt
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