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Everything posted by Bjur

  1. So I got it almost working 100%. My setup is I have my media files located locally in /mnt/user/Videos I have the following Rclone config: My mount script settings are: RcloneRemoteName="googleFi_crypt" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable DockerStart="nzbget plex sonarr radarr ombi" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable MountFolders=\{"downloads/complete,downloads/intermediate,downloads/seeds,movies,tv"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount My upload settings are: RcloneCommand="move" # choose your rclone command e.g. move, copy, sync RcloneRemoteName="googleFi_crypt" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. RcloneUploadRemoteName="googleFi_crypt" # If you have a second remote created for uploads put it here. Otherwise use the same remote as RcloneRemoteName. LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" # location of the local files without trailing slash you want to rclone to use RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # where your rclone mount is located without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone MinimumAge="15m" # sync files suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y ModSort="ascending" # "ascending" oldest files first, "descending" newest files first Questions are: 1. If want to have my local folder /mnt/user/Videos uploaded to GCryptFi and still keep locally initially. Should I copy all data to /mnt/user/mount_merger_fs/googleFI_Crypt or how should I handle that? I still want to keep a local backup. 2. If I want to mount another googleSh_Crypt can I mount it in the same mountshare script, or do I need to create another? 3. I read that people are using separate upload remotes and link to crypt. So upload remote has separate client ID to avoid API ban. Now that I'm using service accounts should I worry about that? I have created a remote googleUpFi but since googleFi_Crypt is already linked to another remote, how do I get googleFi_Crypt to be linked to googleUpFi? Thanks for the help. I'm almost there but want to get the last help:)
  2. This is my config below now: [googleFi] type = drive client_id = xxx client_secret = xxx scope = drive service_account_file = /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/service_accounts/sa_tfi1.json team_drive = xxx server_side_across_configs = true [googleFi_crypt] type = crypt remote = googleFI:GCryptFI filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true password = xxx password2 = xxx I have created 600 SA and got them into Group called something. However in the guide it states: Team Drive (tdsrc) and destination Team Drive (tddst) What is that? Can't I just add group email to Team Drive and get all the SA over that way? Where do I see if my service accounts are added correctly to Team Drive?
  3. Okay thanks for the reply. I manually change it when my ISP IP change, which is not that often, but the NO-IP renewal would be nice to handle automatically.
  4. Thanks already found that. But thought I had to create team first from admin module but that's not necessary then?
  5. So I have created a team account now in admin module. But it doesn't have any user or folders in settings. So should I just then go into Google Drive and start creating folder and selecting Team somehow from there? I can't find any goods guides to start up with. Thanks for you assistance.
  6. Thanks for the answer. I have seen some mentioning about teams, should I create that or not? Also how do I make sure the folder itself is encrypted and not only the rclone transfers? Thanks for helping.
  7. Hi I'm completely new to this, so sorry for my questions, I just want to set it up correct. I've purchased a GSuite 10€ unlimited account and now wants to setup Google Drive and RClone. What I have done so far: - Setup GSuite and use my domain. - Setup own API key - No teams - No Google Drive folders yet. What I want is to have 2 folders. 1. 1 encrypted folder for Plex. 2. 1 ordinary folder for backup of pictures. (Which is not main priority here) I have ssh into unraid and typed rclone config. - Typed in API key - blank root folder - bland service account - no advanced config - no auto config and have autorized through link - I'm at teams now. Should I skip that or what should I do here? Again I want 1 encrypted folder for Plex. I'm sorry for the newbie questions but I really want it to work the right way the first time. Hope you can help.
  8. Hi maybe a stupid question. But is this dockers purpose, that I don't have to go into NO-IP every 30 days and renew the free service?
  9. But won't it make noise in the array when you have temp files and completes files moving around with a lot of unnessary files?
  10. Thanks for the answer. How do you guys do it. Do you leave DL/temp in arry for quick moving?
  11. Is there anyone else here using Unassigned Device to download and afterwards move into Array? I would like to know if there's a quick way to move file from Unassigned Device to Array? Also would it be possible to get some kind of notification when a file is finished processing in Filebot container?
  12. Hi again. If I want the docker to download subtitles, but not rename or move the TV shows to a separate location. How would I do that?
  13. Yes that is correct. I don't know how to separate movies and kids movies if I can't make separate calls.
  14. Thanks for the answer. The problem with this is that I have 3 categories, movies, kids movies and series and if I can't get Filebot to separate these with a call each I don't know how it will place the files in the right folders.
  15. Hi I hope someone can help. I've installed Linuxserver Sabnzbd docker and also Filebot. I want Sabnzbd to process this Filebot AMC: /opt/filebot/filebot -script fn:amc /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/film --output /mnt/user/Film/ --action test -non-strict --conflict override --lang da --def "ut_label=movie" --def movieFormat="/mnt/user/Film/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" --def artwork=y --def subtitles=da,en --log-file amc.log --def root=y --def clean=y I've tried to convert it to this script for Sabnzbd but it gives me this error: /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/scripts/ line 8: /opt/filebot/filebot: No such file or directory /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/scripts/ line 21: --def: command not found #!/bin/sh or (tried both same error) #!/bin/bash # SABnzbd Post Processing Script - "AMC" Script FILE_PATH=$1 FILE_NAME=$3 /opt/filebot/filebot -script \ fn:amc \ /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/film \ --output /mnt/user/Film/ \ --log-file amc.log \ --action move \ --conflict override -non-strict \ --lang da \ --def "ut_label=movie" \ --def movieFormat="/mnt/user/Film/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" \ --def artwork=y \ --def subtitles=da,en \ --log-file amc.log \ --def clean=y \
  16. I'm trying to convert this: /opt/filebot/filebot -script fn:amc /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/film --output /mnt/user/Film/ --action test -non-strict --conflict override --lang da --def "ut_label=movie" --def movieFormat="/mnt/user/Film/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" --def artwork=y --def subtitles=da,en --log-file amc.log --def root=y --def clean=y to this script: #!/bin/bash # SABnzbd Post Processing Script - "AMC" Script FILE_PATH=$1 FILE_NAME=$3 /opt/filebot/filebot -script \ fn:amc \ /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/film \ --output /mnt/user/Film/ \ --log-file amc.log \ --action move \ --conflict override -non-strict \ --lang da \ --def "ut_label=movie" \ --def movieFormat="/mnt/user/Film/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" \ --def artwork=y \ --def subtitles=da,en \ --log-file amc.log \ --def clean=y \ Sab gives me this error: /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/scripts/ line 8: /opt/filebot/filebot: No such file or directory How do I get it to call the Filebot executive file in the Docker?
  17. How do I get another docker to call /opt/filebot/filebot?
  18. Any help here. It won't even execute the standard AMC nothing happens in the watch folder.
  19. I have made the following script: -script fn:amc /mnt/disks/WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WCC4N7VXZ3TR/downloads/complete/Film --output /mnt/user/Film/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang} --action move --def "ut_label=movie" --def artwork=y --def subtitles=da,en --log-file amc.log --conflict override -non-strict 2 questions: 1. How do I test the script? I can't find any way to launch the filebot exec. 2. When the script is working I would like to put it in Sabnzbd script folder and launch the filebot from this container. I can't use the standard configuration because I have 2 types of movies folder (movies/kids) and the same with series. Hope someone can help!
  20. Thanks for the help and suggestions. I will try to test what I have. Two questions though: 1. Where do I test if it's actually working? 2. Can I create scripts for movies and TV or will it standard use one?
  21. Hi I have just installed the Filebot Docker on Unraid and I really need some help. I have also SABnzbd and Sonarr which I would like to use it with. My idea is that when Sab places DL in complete folder Filebot AMC should see these two folders (movies/tv) and then rename, move and find artwork for the items and place it in /mnt/user where I have Movies/Tv libraries. I had Filebot working on a W10 machine, but would like to have it working on Unraid instead and have just purchased both Unraid and Filebot License. How do I get these batch files into Filebot and automate it. Movies: filebot.jar -rename -r -non-strict COMPLETEMOVIEFOLDER --db TheMovieDB --format "NEWFOLDERMOVIES\{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" filebot.jar -script fn:suball "MOVIESFOLDER" -get-subtitles --lang da,en -non-strict --def maxAgeDays=7 TV: filebot.jar -rename -r -non-strict COMPLETETVFOLDER --db TheTVDB --format "FOLDERTV\{n}\Season {s}/{n} {sxe} {t}" filebot.jar -script fn:suball "TVFOLDER" -get-subtitles --lang da,en -non-strict --def maxAgeDays=7 Also how do UI make script for artwork and language da. Thanks for the great effort.
  22. Have you tried changing path in settings for docker so both is /mnt/user and not only one.
  23. I got it working by changing some settings in language. Thx.