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Slow responding computer after reboot


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Im having an odd issue where when I reboot the system the computer becomes quite slow and glitchy on bootup. The bios process takes much longer and even trying to make bios changes theres probably a 4-5 sec delay between button/mouse input to an action. The unraid boot process also then is super delayed where even the 5 second delay for unraid boot menu becomes like 20 secs and glitchy. If i completely power the system down (unplugged)  for about 10 minutes then everything seems fine. This has only been happening recently and cant think of anything I may have installed prior to this issue. It also only happens when rebooting from unraid. If i run another OS and reboot then everything is normal. Not sure if that means is something not getting unloaded from the ram on reboot?


Also on a side note/issue. I previously created a folder in the /mnt/ directory when i first started using unraid and realized I shouldnt use that directory. I removed the folder but it keeps coming back each reboot. I tried looking through the config file and cant see where that would get created on each boot.

Thanks for any help!


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47 minutes ago, Squid said:

If the symptoms are showing in the BIOS, then its definitely not anything to do with Unraid or anything else.

Definitely wasnt just pinning it on unraid, just only seems to happen after rebooting from unraid is all. I cant put my finger on what could even cause it, and why its better after removing the power plug for 10 mins or so. Bios is up to date and cant even find anything similar that other people have had. Dont know if a video would provide any helpful information?


49 minutes ago, trurl said:

You must still have something referencing that path, such as a docker mapping.

Thanks, Ill double check, didnt even think about verifying that actually. 

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2 minutes ago, MtX said:

only seems to happen after rebooting from unraid

So when you 

On 12/13/2020 at 12:20 PM, MtX said:

run another OS and reboot

did you also

On 12/13/2020 at 12:20 PM, MtX said:

completely power the system down (unplugged)  for about 10 minutes


If so that would seem to indicate it is the power down that is the difference and not the OS.

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5 minutes ago, trurl said:

So when you 

did you also


If so that would seem to indicate it is the power down that is the difference and not the OS.

I have a ssd with Debian on it and after having the issue I was running it for about a week and did frequent reboots on the OS and never experienced the issue. Went back to Unraid to see and it would randomlly start doing it again. Im not sure if its just a coincidence so thats why I seeked help in here. Ive only down the power down (unplug) when I notice the bios bugging out and I must wait at least 5-10mins or itll do it still while starting up again.
Maybe its a motherboard or psu issue?

Edited by MtX
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