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Lost/deleted config folder on usb :(...


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Hi all, I was backing up my unraid boot flash drive and somehow deleted my config folder :( The server is still running and all VMs/dockers seem to be functioning correctly. But I have no unraid webgui, it just shows the unraid logos with no working tabs or data. I am afraid to restart the server, I still have access to all the unraid root folders through windows 10 right now.


What are my options to restore that config folder?


I was trying to back the flash drive up to prevent this situation but I ended up being the issue :(

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Ended up having to start over on the configuration thankfully I knew my drive order. Hope that never happens again. I now have the flash drive backing up to two different places. I have no clue how I deleted that config folder. Got plex back up and my main VM. Now the long process to figure out how to set all my dockers up again :(

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