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filesystem layer verification failed for digest

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I am sooooo frustrated with my unraid server! Seems like I am going from one problem to the next constantly! Now I can't download plugins or dockers. When I try to download, I get one of two errors:

Error: local error: tls: bad record MAC


Error: filesystem layer verification failed for digest sha256:f4819e2631b8560c26cf4b8556a6d06b4b92e610bbbc4f7859b65ef7e014b18f


Any ideas?


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Dec 28 07:06:27 UNRAID02 kernel: BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 779 ino 7474 off 14561280 csum 0x37d6f10b expected csum 0x0c6e3c0f mirror 1

Cause possibly an unclean shutdown or something at some point.  Easiest and painfree solution is to simply delete and recreate the image and reinstall from Apps, Previous apps.




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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Checksum errors suggest a hardware issue, like bad RAM, syslog also shows a lot of sync errors, are those expected? Don't see an unclean shutdown.

I am having som major issues with this server. I was trying to install krusader so that I could move data off two disks which have started to report massive amounts of command timeouts during smart tests. I have ran several memtests on the system without any issues, so I have yet to identify the problem. The server has 16 disks in the array, all connected to one HBA-card. I also have a m.2 nvme as a cache drive. I will try to swap out the HBA, and connect all the disks directly to the HBA and PSU instead of via the backplane just to try to remove potential issues. During parity checks I get anywhere from 1300 to 1600 errors found and corrected each time. It started with only a few, but quickly escalated.

If anyone has any tips, it would be greatly appreciated! 

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