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Is parity recalculated after every reboot?

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8 hours ago, MontgomeryDixon said:

I'm a noob, so sorry if this is a dumb question.


I want to run Unraid on my desktop computer and do my work in a VM with passthrough. Can I shutdown Unraid every night or will this mess up the parity (assuming that parity was finished calculating before shutdown)?

Are you talking about the initial parity build / regular parity check ?

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If you initiate a parity check or a scheduled parity check runs, if you don't complete the parity check before shutting down, then the parity check would not have completed, but parity would be just as valid as it was before starting the parity check.


Parity checks are not required to maintain parity because

19 hours ago, trurl said:

Parity is realtime. Whenever any data disk is written parity is also updated.


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