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How to return VM passthrough GPU to Unraid?

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Hi everyone,

I've got a working single-GPU passthrough configuration, and I sometimes switch between VMs without issue by stopping the first VM and starting another with a valid config and BIOS.


I've been trying to find out how I can regain control of the GPU back to the host Unraid system.

I can't seem to find anything in the forum, but maybe I'm using the wrong search terms or something.


Essentially, after stopping a passthrough VM, I'm trying to have unraid regain control of the GPU output.


Does anyone know how this is achieved?

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That's interesting, and thanks for the pointer.


Funny, I was poking around and literally just stumbled upon the video and script you mentioned, then saw you mentioning it.


Video here:



And the github for the dump script:



I thought maybe to mess around with this and see, but my prying eyes did see in the video that SpaceInvaderOne has an "unlock nvidia" script:



@SpaceInvaderOne maybe I'm making an assumption here, but is this script to unlock the card for use?

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