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(SOLVED) Data drive has "failed" while replacing parity drive with larger one.

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Hey guys,


So, I was upgrading my parity drive from 10tb to 14tb, and during the parity rebuild, a 4tb data drive threw up IO errors and was disabled by Unraid. It passes SMART tests, but who knows. Maybe it was cable? but it is an older drive, so I'd rather not chance it. Where I may have messed up is, I stopped the parity rebuild as soon as this happened, in sort of a panic, and added the old parity drive back in the array, and attempted to reassign it as parity again thinking I could revert back in a way, and just have a bad data disk to replace with a new one (10tb) and THEN replace the parity like originally planned. But now, Unraid is not allowing me to start the array with the old 10tb parity drive as parity and keeping the disabled drive in the array. I also does not recognize the 14tb as parity drive either, and it shouldn't because it was only a few percent into a parity rebuild. So, currently the array is started, but has no parity disk assigned and the disabled drive is being "emulated" which I'm not sure how that's possible without parity.


So, what are my next steps to recover? I've got an additional 10tb drive on the way to replace the now failing (I presume) 4tb drive.


thanks for any help in advance!



Edited by rodan5150
solved issue
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Update: I read about the "New Config" utility, but makes me nervous. I want to make sure I'm going to proceed correctly. I assume I replace "Failed/untrusted" drive with new pre-cleared drive, and using new config tool, assign it in the same position in the array. Start the array, and let it rebuild? But what about parity? I don't know how valid the parity is on the original 10tb parity disk. The array has been started and online without it assigned in the parity slot, so undoubtedly it's not synced. If I've lost the data on that 4tb drive, its not that big of a deal as anything critical is backed up off-site. But I don't want to nuke the array on accident and lose all of my media, as that would take forever to replace.


I don't want to do anything until an expert chimes in, I've used Unraid for a couple of years now, but I've never dealt with this particular situation before and want to tread lightly.

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Since the array was kept in use old parity is probably no longer in sync, but disk6 looks fine, so I would recommend replacing cables on that disk then do a new config and try to re-sync the new parity again, if you think old parity is still valid do it in maintenance mode so there's a chance to use it if it errors out again.

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13 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Since the array was kept in use old parity is probably no longer in sync, but disk6 looks fine, so I would recommend replacing cables on that disk then do a new config and try to re-sync the new parity again, if you think old parity is still valid do it in maintenance mode so there's a chance to use it if it errors out again.

10-4. I'll give that a shot and report back. Disk6 in coincidentally right next to the slot where I replaced the parity. So, there is a decent chance I disturbed the cable. Its almost done with a SMART extended test. If it passes that no issues, then I'll have higher confidence in it. Thanks JorgeB. 

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  • rodan5150 changed the title to (SOLVED) Data drive has "failed" while replacing parity drive with larger one.

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