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HELP!!!!! PLEASE !!!!

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That's a bit strange.
Sry, it is a german windows OS.

The first message in windows told me there is something wrong, if i want to check and repair it.
Possible cause: "The device was ejected before all files were written."

But i skipped this and made a chkdsk (see below)


But chkdsk /r found no errors:

C:\windows\system32>chkdsk D: /r
Der Typ des Dateisystems ist FAT32.
Volume UNRAID erstellt 15.10.2019 16:09
Volumeseriennummer : 62AA-5009
Dateien und Ordner werden überprüft...
Die Datei- und Ordnerüberprüfung ist abgeschlossen.
Freier Speicherplatz wird verifiziert...
Verifizierung freien Speicherplatzes ist beendet.

Dateisystem wurde überprüft, keine Probleme festgestellt.
Keine weiteren Aktionen erforderlich.
   15.256.560 KB Speicherplatz auf dem Datenträger insgesamt
          624 KB in 10 versteckten Dateien
       16.688 KB in 1.043 Ordnern
    3.733.760 KB in 2.993 Dateien
   11.505.472 KB sind verfügbar

       16.384 Bytes in jeder Zuordnungseinheit
      953.535 Zuordnungseinheiten auf dem Datenträger insgesamt
      719.092 Zuordnungseinheiten auf dem Datenträger verfügbar


I will now copy the backup on it again.

It's now starting again, now i will wait if there will be any error again.
Maybe switch the usb port.

I am happy for suggestions how i could check it instead of waiting for it to fail ;)

Edited by Harlequin42
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7 hours ago, trurl said:

Boot from USB2 port

I tried this yesterday, but i am not sure why, the usb stick was not recognized by the motherboard so that i was not able to boot.
I went back to the USB 3.1 Gen 1 port i used before, but server froze again over night.
Now i switched to a different USB 3.1 Gen 1 port.

Do you know why i should use USB2 port? Is it personal experiance or somehow tested?
I will try the USB2 again, when it fails again.

After 20mins the system ran into a kernel panic.
Now i switched to USB2 port.

Edited by Harlequin42
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4 hours ago, Harlequin42 said:

Do you know why i should use USB2 port? Is it personal experiance or somehow tested

Experience of many users has been that USB2 has proved far more reliable for booting and running unRaid.    Why is not clear as there is no theoretical reason why later versions of USB should not work.   It could be that BIOS’s are better at handling USB2 or simply that USB2 is less demanding on the hardware.   Since there is no significant performance advantage to using USB3 (as the flash drive is rarely accessed after initial boot) we always recommend using USB2 if you can.

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It's now running since 22 hours.
If really the USB3.1 was the issue i don't know why it worked the years before, maybe something with the new BIOS.

It's now in a USB2 port.

I made an memtest just to be sure, but the test passed succesfully.

I am back to the previous Mainboard firmware and made some changes to the ram.
I used D.O.C.P. before and it worked fine, now i disabled it and set the speed to 2666 just to be safe.


for everyone who wants to know what i have done since the beginning:
- checked the flash drive with "chkdsk /r" on a windows device

- copied the backup of the flash drive over the drive again

- put the flash drive into different USB ports, in the end in an USB2 port

- went back to the previous BIOS version and chenged the ram settings after testing it


As mentioned erlier it is now running and i hope it is done. 

It is now running since 12+ days and i am happy that it didn't appear again.

Edited by Harlequin42
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