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Unable to access Unraid WebUI after power failure [Solved]

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Hi! I'm on Unraid 6.8.3 and my system (QNAP TS-453D) rebooted after a short power failure, but since then, I've been unable to access the server through the webui or through file explorer (Win10). I tried rebooting my router and it can see the server. After a search I tried the /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart solution mentioned here: Lost Unraid GUI after power outage [Solved] but it didn't work. My parity disk was removed at the time of the outage, as I'm in the process of transferring a large amount of media files. However, it wasn't transferring files at that time. I connected to the console and ran a diagnostic.


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Your diagnostics show that your server has a static IP address. Curiously, the address is a public one, (212.xxx.xxx.44). That's unusual. Is it intentional? Can you ping it using that address? Your disks and boot flash appear to be good and as far as I can tell the start-up is normal. If you need to reset networking you can delete the network.cfg file in the config directory on the flash and it will be recreated with DHCP enabled when you reboot.

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35 minutes ago, John_M said:

Your diagnostics show that your server has a static IP address. Curiously, the address is a public one, (212.xxx.xxx.44). That's unusual. Is it intentional? Can you ping it using that address? Your disks and boot flash appear to be good and as far as I can tell the start-up is normal. If you need to reset networking you can delete the network.cfg file in the config directory on the flash and it will be recreated with DHCP enabled when you reboot.

Yes, the IP is intentional. When I try to ping it I get "request timed out". Should I still delete the network.cfg file?

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Yes, I do. Although I didn't reserve the address on my router, just on the server.

Update: I deleted the network.cfg file, but there has been no change. I also assigned the IP my DHCP server and rebooted my router to see if that would help, but I'm still getting a timeout message when I try to ping it.

Edited by MsDarkDiva
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Okay. So I'm still fighting with this. I did everything as mentioned in this post: Power outage Unraid won't connect to internet 


On 3/5/2021 at 8:30 AM, Frank1940 said:

Make sure that the cat5 cable is securely plugged in on both ends.


Try a new cable between the server and the switch.


Swap cable to a new port on the switch.


Reboot the switch (Cut power and wait thirty seconds is usually required to do this.)


Double check the lights (and their pattern) on both ports at the ends of the cable.   You may have to check the user manuals to determine what is normal.  (May require download from Manufacturer!) 


Power EVERYTHING down on the network. (DON'T pull plugs on any computer/server.  You should be able safely power them down if required by pushing the power switch on the case for about one second.)   Wait one minute.  Power back up starting with the router.  Wait two minutes.  Now power up the switch.  Wait one minute.  Power up the  server.  Wait five minutes.  Now power on the PC's.  You can do the PC's at intervals as you need them.  (I would start with the one you need to test with first...)  IF you don't have a connection to the server.  Double checked its IP address.  You can do this from the console (keyboard and monitor) by typing the following command (after logging in):


Look at the IP addresses.  You are looking for one that begins with either  192.xxx.xxx.xxx  or 10.xxx.xxx.xxx   If you only find ones that begin with 172.xxx.xxx.xxx or 127.xxx.xxx.xxx, that is a problem with the physical network. 




There was no change after powering everything off/on. When I put in the ifconfig command in the console my IP address wasn't there. The address listed were br0 inet 169.xxx.xxx.xxx, br-13* inet 172.xxx.xxx.xxx, docker0 inet 172.xxx.xxx.xxx, lo inet 127.xxx.xxx.xxx, shim br0 inet 169.xxx.xxx.xxx and virbr0 inet 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (which is not my IP).

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1 hour ago, MsDarkDiva said:

That is my IP address.


What IP address does you Windows PC use, then? Do you have multiple public IP addresses allocated by your Internet service provider? Since IPv4 addresses are now quite a scarce commodity, a typical user would have a single public IP address allocated to their router. The local network would then use one of the reserved private address ranges. I'm just trying to work out how you're connecting to your server.


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2 hours ago, trurl said:

I don't doubt that is your IP address. I was just wondering if by having your server on a public IP address you have allowed yourself to be hacked.


This all came about because of a power failure. I lost power in my apartment for a few minutes. When my server came back online I could no longer access it through the WebUI. So I'm hoping I can get help reconnecting with it. I'll definitely have to invest in a UPS, lesson learned!

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3 hours ago, John_M said:


What IP address does you Windows PC use, then? Do you have multiple public IP addresses allocated by your Internet service provider? Since IPv4 addresses are now quite a scarce commodity, a typical user would have a single public IP address allocated to their router. The local network would then use one of the reserved private address ranges. I'm just trying to work out how you're connecting to your server.


No I do not have multiple public IP addresses allocated by my internet service provider. Yes, I have a single public IP address allocated to my router. My Windows PC uses a similar address to the server on my local network. This address issue has thrown everything well off topic! LOL!

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1 minute ago, MsDarkDiva said:

This address issue has thrown everything well off topic!


Not really. It's the crux of your problem.


OK. So you have a single public IP address allocated to your router. But you say you also have it allocated to your server. That can't possibly work.

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There have been a number of users lately who have lost their data because their server was on the internet instead of on a private IP, or had ports opened inappropriately. That is why we are wondering about your server having a public IP.


Your router is expected to have a public IP, but devices on your LAN are expected to have a private IP.

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1 minute ago, John_M said:


Not really. It's the crux of your problem.


OK. So you have a single public IP address allocated to your router. But you say you also have it allocated to your server. That can't possibly work.


The IP address allocated to my router from my internet service provider, is not the same as the addresses on my private network. My apologies if I didn't make myself clear.

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1 minute ago, trurl said:

How did you get that IP? You can't just randomly choose public IPs for yourself. Assigning IPs to yourself should be restricted to private ranges.


Looks like it belongs to a company in Norway.

I will reassign another IP to my router, hopefully, after this is all over and I reconnect to my server.

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Your router, if it is directly connected to the internet, should have a public IP (WAN), and that public IP is given to it by your internet service. So you don't reassign your router IP. (A router will typically have an internal private IP as well so you can manage it inside your LAN.)


The devices connected to your router should have private IP addresses assigned to them. Simplest is just to use DHCP and let the router choose private IPs for your devices.


Since you seem to be using a public IP not owned by you, quite likely the reason you can't connect to your server is because when anything tries to access something with that IP, it is trying to access the owner of that IP in Norway.




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1 minute ago, trurl said:

Your router, if it is directly connected to the internet, should have a public IP (WAN), and that public IP is given to it by your internet service, so you don't reassign your router IP. (A router will typically have an internal private IP as well so you can manage it inside your LAN.)


The devices connected to your router should have private IP addresses assigned to them. Simplest is just to use DHCP and let the router choose a private IPs for your devices.


Since you seem to be using a public IP not owned by you, quite likely the reason you can't connect to your server is because when anything tries to access something with that IP, it is trying to access the owner of that IP in Norway.





My network has had no issues connecting to my router/internet for a few years now with similar IPs. Everything else after the outage connected again just fine and most of my devices are assigned static IPs. I'm new to Unraid and after doing a little research, I read that it was best to leave the server unassigned on the router, so I did that, however I left the address on the server.

I do have the ability to reassign my router's IP for my LAN network (which yes, usually have an internal private IP).  

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Perhaps that company in Norway recently assigned those IPs to one of their customers and DNS is trying to go there instead.


You really need to get your network fixed before even trying to boot your server or you will likely be hacked. There seems to be someone maliciously seeking out unsecure Unraid systems and wiping them.


Since you don't seem aware of public vs private IPs, here is a link:




Typically you would use something in the 192.168... range or the 10.... range. For simplicity you should make sure everything on your LAN is on the same subnet, so the first 3 numbers, like, 192.168.1.x, would all be the same for each of your devices. Usually something like this would already be setup in your router by default.


Do you know how things got setup with public IPs???


Did you do that yourself???


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  • MsDarkDiva changed the title to Unable to access Unraid WebUI after power failure [Solved]
10 hours ago, John_M said:

Your server's NIC is seeing the physical cable link and it had a static address, as discussed. If your PC had a compatible address and it all worked before the power outage then maybe your server's NIC suffered damage. I can't think what else it could be.



Thank John_M. Your post gave me an idea to see if the NIC was truly damaged. I powered down the server and removed the Unraid OS usb. Since it's a Qnap it reverted to it's original OS and I was able to find the server on my network via the Qfinder Pro tool. When I rebooted once again with the Unraid OS installed, it immediately appeared again on my network and I am able to access it again via the WebUI, so thank you!

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