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Unraid Server Crashed and No Backup with Dual Parity Drives

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Hi it looks like my USB has been completely corrupted and I had to wipe it. I do not have a list of my assigned drives, but I do have two parity disks. I've seen many posts of how to restore your array with only one parity and not lose data, does the same apply if you have two parity drives? Correct me if i'm wrong, but as long as your assign your parity drives correctly, all the other disks can be assigned in any order. 


Can I assign either old parity to parity 1 and 2 or does it matter which parity goes in each slot?


I need to know what to do to not lose any data

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Data drive order doesn't matter for parity slot 1, but it does for parity slot 2.


As long as your drives are all healthy, the best way is to use the typical instructions to find out which drives are data and which are parity, then assign all the drives to their appropriate slots and build parity fresh on the two parity drives.


If you suspect you have a failed data drive, you need to approach this totally differently.

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So I followed the instructions to see which of my drives should have been the parities. Are you saying that I can assign either of the unmounted drives as either Parity or Parity 1 without any data loss? See attached screenshot and let me know if what I'm saying sounds correct.


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Honestly, I don't know. Before the crash I had 17TB of data in my raid with dual parity. One day, I got a "ldlinux.c32 not found unraid" which I think was from a random power outage. I turned off the server unplugged the USB and plugged it into my computer. The USB was blank and had nothing on it. I have no backup of the drive or config. My drives are pass through drives setup on Hardware RAID using an Areca 1280ML. I figured I could format the USB and then do a fresh install.


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Yes I would always access it through 192.168.XXX.XXX. With that being said, are you thinking that my system got hacked and all my information deleted/erased? If so, is there anyway to recover it? Can I recover the information off each drive individually through software?

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3 minutes ago, chupp7711 said:

Yes I would always access it through 192.168.XXX.XXX. With that being said, are you thinking that my system got hacked and all my information deleted/erased? If so, is there anyway to recover it? Can I recover the information off each drive individually through software?

If you were hacked that could explain both the problems with the flash drive and your data possibly being deleted.  Others that have been hacked and had their data deleted have had some success in recovering it using UFS Explorer on Windows.   The big concern though if it was a hack is to work out how anyone got access to your server in the first place.

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That is true. I've been scouring the forums trying to find a solution and have seen people suggest UFS Explorer which I am trying now. If I were to mount the two unmoutable drives as parities and mount the other disk as drives, would that bring back my data maybe?

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2 minutes ago, chupp7711 said:

If I were to mount the two unmoutable drives as parities and mount the other disk as drives, would that bring back my data maybe?

The other drives were already mounted before in your screenshot and that is how we could see they were empty. Assigning parity disks can't change that.

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Ok thank you. Just for future references other than keeping complete backups of everything. How do I go about completely securing my system without giving is access to the internet. I only want access to it on internal networks so I can use Plex and other systems/ file sharing. Is there a particular way to get a very secure system? Has anyone had good luck with ReClaimMe?

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