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Tell Unraid to create share directory on multiple disks.

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I'm an Unraid noob and looking for something out of the ordinary. (At least I think)


I'm copying about 20TB of data to a new NAS that I built. I found that if I remove the parity drives the transfer goes a lot faster. (I understand the dilemma I put myself in with no parity drives.)


I'm copying data over the network and unassigned devices using MC. I found that when using the share from a WinPC that Unraid will create a new share name on another disk and start using that disk. At the same time I can use a different disk with MC. Effectively getting 150mb/s with MC and about 120mb/s using SMB.


So my question is; is there a way to get Unraid to create the share names on the other disks? (I have 5 8TB disks). That way I could use the disk for MC that the network copy isn't using. 


I appreciate any feedback about this. 








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4 hours ago, tenksomm said:

When you create a new share, you can choose which disk you want to use. In the share-create menu is a section called Included Disks / Excluded Disk. In this way you can manage, on which Disk your share is placed

True,   But unRaid does not actually create the folder for any particular disk until it puts the first file for that share on the disk.   In the particular use case OP describes probably need to create it manually on the disks you are copying to by-passing user share support.

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