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In my array are drives with a thumbs down, details inside

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When I hover on top, it shows:


Reallocated sector count: 48
UDMA CRC error count: 4


Are these reasons for concern?  I've used Seagate Tools to verify drive integrity, they did pass the long generic test, without LBA reallocation--can't recall the exact term.  Out of 6, all but 1 had LBA reallocation.  But I wonder why when connected to Unraid, I have 3 thumbs down, each with their own reallocated sector count...  


I always thought it was just the HDD getting too hot, hence a thumbs down.  Does this mean the drives are about to fail?  I just recently bought them off ebay, a good deal.  I'd hate to see them go without using it for a few years.


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When you say connection problem, do you mean cable problem?  In another post, I mentioned that I encountered problem with drive, and you pointed out that cable problem.  I did change the cable, and seems to work fine, except the thumbs down happened.  Could this mean my replacement cable (2nd one) might have problems as well?  I bought another new one, if needed to replace another.


If I do acknowledge it, and no more thumbs down happens, it means it didn't increase?  If a new thumbs down happened, it means there are new changes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reallocated sectors are not in themselves a bad thing as long as the number is not continually increasing (which probably means the disk could die at any time).  Having said that anything other than a small number would make me uncomfortable with continuing to use a drive.


your parity drive has a LOT of reallocated sectors.

Disks 1 and 5 have smaller numbers of reallocated sectors and should be kept an eye on to see if the number is stable or increasing.

which drive is showing as disabled?

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Disk 3 is the one that is disabled currently.  And here I thought there is only 1 drive that has reallocated sectors.  Turns out more than 1.  By myself, where do I check and keep tract of reallocated sectors?  Does it need to be through exported diagnostics?  Or What term do I search for in Smart disk info?  


I was informed by JorgeB in my earlier posts that my cable may be the culprit.  I did replace it with one that was lying there.  Could it still be the cable problem? I have bought another as spare.  Could it still be a cable problem that's why Disk 3 was disabled, and Parity produced errors?


Please advise what to do next.  

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You still have SATA link problems affecting Parity and Disk 3.


Reallocated sectors are recorded by SMART attribute number 5. You can see the SMART attributes if you click on the disk's name on either the Main page or the Dashboard page of the GUI. Unraid monitors attribute 5 and issues a warning if the number increases.

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Isn't it supposed to work immediately when I replace my cable?  Since connection was restored, and no re-assignment of other drives?  Since I didn't replace drives, how do I change status of disabled to enabled, and allow it to rebuild?


Noted on the cache disk.  Indeed, my docker containers stopped working.  I was wondering why.  While replacing the cable, I pulled on the SATA cable of my cache drive.  Went back to reseat the SATA power, it works normally now.  Thanks!

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43 minutes ago, jang430 said:

Isn't it supposed to work immediately when I replace my cable?  Since connection was restored, and no re-assignment of other drives?  Since I didn't replace drives, how do I change status of disabled to enabled, and allow it to rebuild?


Noted on the cache disk.  Indeed, my docker containers stopped working.  I was wondering why.  While replacing the cable, I pulled on the SATA cable of my cache drive.  Went back to reseat the SATA power, it works normally now.  Thanks!


Rebuilding a disk to itself is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI.

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6 hours ago, jang430 said:

So far, data isn't that critical.  After rebuild, do you think I should retire the Parity already?  I can see some crc errors.  But I'm already using new cables that look pretty decent.  Is this still cable issue?

It is not the CRC errors that are the main concern but the very large number of reallocated sectors on the parity drive.   Personally I would retire that drive ASAP.


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