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[Solved] Read, Parity Issues

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I would consider myself a normal to almost advanced user in all things tech. Not a prosumer, but hopefully one day. I totally knew when this was going to be an issue and wish there was a way to prevent it. Long story short, there was a parity check, during mover, while items where being download to the drive and then my power went out. I recently updated half of my array to new 12 tb drive and forgot to set up proper schedules so all the above would never happen at once.  It was my mistake.  I am looking to get the array back to health and things moving as normal. 


I tried to remove disk 7 restart the array, then add disk 7 back so the parity would fix it all with minor data loss. Now all I am getting is read errors. Please any advice going forward with minimum data loss would be great. Thank you all.




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1 hour ago, grrant said:

tried to remove disk 7 restart the array, then add disk 7 back

If you mean you physically removed the disk that was unnecessary. You probably disturbed connections on other disks.


Multiple disk connection issues.


Check all connections, power and SATA, both ends, including splitters. Reboot and post new diagnostics.

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I removed it from the array, not physically removed it.

I know about UPS, just moved into a new home and its on the list.

No connections, power or sata have been touched in weeks. All running fine with multiple Parity checks healthy prior to the power outage. 

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2 hours ago, grrant said:

No connections, power or sata have been touched in weeks.

Connections or controller, multiple disk connection problem.


SMART for disks 6,7,8 aren't even in Diagnostics, though they do appear to be mounted.  Are these disks on the same controller?

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It was 100% the controller. I thought I was going crazy when trurl said it was due to connection issues. Since everything was connected securely. JorgeB thanks for linked post. Both of you are rockstars!!!! I promise to get a UPS once the new home flooring is done. My wife will only humor my data storage addiction so far. Will also do my best to start educating myself on reading the diagnostics.  


Thank you both again for your time and help to a stranger. I hope you have a fantastic week and will do my best to pay your kindness forward.

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