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Share Sizing/Quotas (SMB)

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Moving from a ZFS system to unRaid and am looking for a possible solution to a share sizing/quota issue.


I need to create a share (something that a desktop can mount with SMB) that is around 100GB. Technically, I think it can be less than 1TB, but if I'm keeping what we have, it's 100GB. Previously, this was solved with a ZFS command:


zfs set quota=100G tank1/home/small_drive


which actually created a new mount point with the reduced size off an existing directory (I love zfs :0). I could then mount that in samba and have the user see a 100GB share.


Any ideas on how to create a similar thing in unRaid?


Thanks for any advice.


p.s. I found this, which describes a possible workaround for the problem, but creating a sparse file and mounting in unRaid doesn't excite me (if that workaround  is even an option here).....Maybe buying a 100GB disk or possibly doing some kind of partitioning? Would be nice to have it be a "normal" member of the array if possble.

Edited by h1d3m3
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2 hours ago, h1d3m3 said:

Maybe buying a 100GB disk or possibly doing some kind of partitioning?


Not partitioning, but you could make a user share called, say, small_drive and include only that one 100 GB disk, like this:




and you'd want to exclude it from other shares. It would have the advantage of being protected by parity, along with the rest of the array disks.


Edited by John_M
Added need to exclude from other shares
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4 hours ago, h1d3m3 said:

Any ideas on how to create a similar thing in unRaid?

I'm not confident about it, but I think your "ZFS" has nothing to do with it and it's just SMB. I've found SMB to work very well with UnRAID (despite its favorite drive format being XFS).



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11 hours ago, John_M said:

you'd want to exclude it from other shares


So basically, find a $20 ebay special, set it up so that the share is only using that drive. I like that it would also be parity protected.


I'm a little new to unRaid, does excluding and including drives change the size of the share? I don't think I realized that a share size could be dynamically changed with includes and excludes. I mean, it makes sense that it would.


If the drive fails, the small share would still show up via some redundant processes right?

Edited by h1d3m3
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5 minutes ago, h1d3m3 said:


If the drive fails, the small share would still show up via some redundant processes right?

As long as one parity is valid, any single failed drive will be emulated in real time and can be rebuilt to a new drive.



7 minutes ago, h1d3m3 said:

find a $20 ebay special,

Implies that you don't care about the quality of the drive, when in fact ALL drives in the parity array are needed to emulate and rebuild any failed drive. So, you are trusting the quality of that small drive to rebuild an unexpected failure of one of your large media archive drives in the parity array.


It will work just fine, as long as the drive is healthy. I just wanted to hammer home the point that ALL drives must be perfect, you must not use a drive that isn't 100% trustworthy in the parity array.

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4 hours ago, h1d3m3 said:

I'm a little new to unRaid, does excluding and including drives change the size of the share?


Yes, the maximum* capacity of any user share is the sum of the capacities of the included disks. The more you include, the greater the capacity.


*Note: It's the maximum because very often a given disk is included in more than one user share, though you're free to configure that however you wish.


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