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Replacement USB stopped reading, key won't work now.

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I've sent an email to support already, there might not be much else I can do. 

Last night, I needed to reboot to add drive #15 to my array.  The reboot was not smooth.  Unraid came up with a random IP address, and the console did not have my personal login.  There was an error that Bond0 was not found.  As it turns out, my USB drive which I just replaced a week ago was not reading properly.  I spend a day desperately trying to get the same drive to work.  I restored from backups, I tried UEFI and non UEFI booting, I used the USB creator on different USB ports and different machines, and I used different USB ports on the server itself to boot from.  Nothing worked.

Finally, this morning I gave up and tried a totally different USB key.  Instant success.  

But I literally just replaced my USB key this week, so as expected this will not let me start the array as my key is "invalid".

I'm desperate to get this going, this is a production server with 100 users.  It's at my home, but it's still a production server in a sense, because of the external users.  I really can't wait 3 days to get this going, it's a 100 TB data storage server and we have deadlines.  

I take full responsibility for the current outage, this isn't Limewire's fault.  Still, I do need there help to get it back up and running.  Is there anything I can do to expedite the process?  

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You're not screwed.  Worst case, you set up a trial key on a new stick.  


Assign all of the drives as data drives, whatever shows up as unmountable you re-assign as the parity drive.  (Or better yet, restore your backup of the flash drive with the exception of the .key file in the flash drive)

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41 minutes ago, Looking Glass Unraid said:

I'm like 100% sure I'm dead in the water until support gets back to me, does anyone know if they answer emails on the weekend?  I'm good and screwed right now.


Emailed you back. Follow those instructions and you should be all set.


As @Squid mentioned, you can also always set up a free trial until we get back to you. 



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