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(SOLVED) My cache drive is full and mover dont care xD

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

You've got mover set to run at 3:40 am daily.  Have you tried running it manually?  Enable mover logging in Scheduler, Mover Settings, and attempt again and then post a new set of diagnostics.

yeah is my first time using a cache drive and its driving me nuts , if i read it correctly it say :


Yes indicates that all new files and subdirectories should be written to the Cache disk/pool, provided enough free space exists on the Cache disk/pool. If there is insufficient space on the Cache disk/pool, then new files and directories are created on the array. When the mover is invoked, files and subdirectories are transferred off the Cache disk/pool and onto the array.


so the thing is ,im currently copying the backup data to the unraid box ,cause i started from scratch  ,and mover  and/or the system dont keep copying the data  the cache drive is kinda useless... in other systems you  dont need to poke the system so it start to empty the data to the array ,or bypass the cache and write to the array.


please correct me if i selected the "wrong" cache mode ,i used the "yes" option.

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It sounds as if you are doing an initial data load?   You can never move data from cache to array as fast as you can upload data.    For this reason it is normally recommended that for initial data load you not bother to use the cache.


regardless, Make sure that you have set the Minimum Free Space values for both the shares and the cache to be bigger than the largest file you intend to copy.   If you do that then when necessary UnRaid should transparently switch to writing directly to the array by-passing the cache when the free space falls below that value.

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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

It sounds as if you are doing an initial data load?   You can never move data from cache to array as fast as you can upload data.    For this reason it is normally recommended that for initial data load you not bother to use the cache.

yeah ,thats what im trying to do right now ,ill try to fix the problem using your advice about the free space values.

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  • ARMITAGEIII changed the title to (SOLVED) My cache drive is full and mover dont care xD

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