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Array files gone!

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Hi everyone,


Been using Unraid for a year now and loving it! Main uses are NAS and Plex server. I am planning to set up VMs in the future also.


I was hoping to get a little understanding in regards to how my entire data vanished and inaccessible from my network despite the volume showing that array space is still in use.


A little background - finally decided to update my hardware from a Xeon E3-1231 v3 to a more efficient/powerful i5 10500 to take advantage of Quicksync.  On top of that, I also decided to update to 6.9.2 and here we are.  I tried all the easy fixes like reboot with no changes, and tested the USB by plugging into another PC and all is fine and responsive.  I attempted to read diagnositics but soon realised that none of this make any sense!


So bizarre because the files can be seen in the GUI but not in windows.  I tried watching something on Plex but it's ‘unavailable’. 


I am stumped and really hope someone can help recover years of data hoarding!




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The reason this happens is because SMB isn't case-sensitive, so if you have 2 different shares with the same name except for upper/lower case, it will only show you one of them when you try to see your files over the network.


As mentioned, it is likely you have a docker mapping specifying the wrong case and so a new share gets created with the wrong case.


Or perhaps you created a share using a different case but weren't using it, and a docker that specified a different case created a new share and that is where the files are now.


When you create a user share, Unraid creates a top level folder on pool or array named for the folder as needed according to the settings specified for the share.


Conversely, any top level folder created on pool or array is automatically a user share named for the folder. If a share is created in this way then it will have default settings.


Looking back at those diagnostics you posted earlier, I can see that you did have 2 different shares anonymized as m---a, and they both had files in them, but one of them had default settings, so what I described above is what happened.


You also seem to have 2 different shares anonymized as a--s with the same problem.

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