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Latex in Unraid


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I'm not sure, if this it the correct forum, but: hi everyone!


I am planning to move to unraid and will need to transfer some of my scripts from the old servers. So I know it might sound strange to some (most?) of you, but I use Latex to create proper looking reports. Until now, I was simply doing

sudo apt-get install texlive-full &

and usually then went off to get lunch.


Now I understand, that there is no package manager in unraid and I am given the impression and that people seem to discourage others to install DEB packages in general and rather point them towards using docker containers (which I am still kind of new to). So, here is my issue: 


Can I install Latex on the unraid server and if so, what would be the to way to do it right?





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3 hours ago, GuidoB said:

Going here  https://unraid.net/community/apps?q=latex#r

I only found Overleaf, which is an editor (i.e. not the typesetting system) in my perception. Am I in the wrong place?

You should go via the Apps tab in the Unraid GUI.


Overleaf does appear to be the only one for which somebody has decided to create a specific Unraid template :( 


However there appear to be plenty available on dockerHub as long as you are prepared to configure your own mapping to local storage.  Note that to be able to see dockerHub containers you need to have enabled this option under the Settings section on the Apps tab (with the array stopped).

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