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Network Issues following change of router (lost Internet and connection to shares)

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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Hello everyone


I need your assistance please.


I changed router recently and I also changed my IP range (was told to do so for security reasons). I changed it from the usual to XX.XX.XX.XXX. I was able to get my server connected to the router and the network. I can access the web gui via my laptop and I can use some dockers and some VMs... However, I needed to reset some Dockers due to their IP settings and I think I messed things up; I also removed community applications 😬.


I have been trying to reinstall it using the post from Squid271 but my server appears to have lost its connection to internet as the install launches but then stays hanging:




My second issue is that all my share are present on the Server and I can browse them via the web gui but all access from another device does not work; from windows it's the usual cannot access as you do not have permission (but my shares are all public on the network)....


I would be happy to reset some settings and rebuild some the shares and dockers; I would also prefer not to do another reinstall...


Thanks in advance for your help.




Edited by Alexis
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You can use any of the Private IP ranges listed in that first link I gave (Wikipedia). Those are specifically intended for LAN access only. Whatever you choose from those can't interfere with or be interfered with by others since none of that traffic leaves the LAN.


Other IP ranges are for access on the internet (WAN).

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Thanks Trurl, I changed the IP address according to the Wikipedia page and my shares have reconnected. 


My DuckDNS docker is able to connect to the internet, but the installation of the Community Applications still hangs just like before, even after a reboot!


I have attached the latest diagnostics below in case you get the chance to take a look.


Thanks for your help.


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  • Solution

You still have a (probably self-induced) network problem, possibly with Unraid or possibly with your router.


Delete config/network.cfg on the flash drive so Unraid will use default settings, which includes DHCP to make it get its settings from the router.

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