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HELP!!! Server not responding to network, but local gui comes up

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there is no web page displayed and a bunch of errors scrolled across the screen and the localhost page wont show, but can get to gui and terminal im a very little bit knowlegable in linux but NOT proficient enough to troubleshoot unraid.  can someone help?


Edited by Wiseone001
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7 minutes ago, Squid said:

Tools - Diagnostics.  Upload entire zip file here.  What do you mean exactly by localhost page won't show?  Is it just blank (flashing cursor)

The web page for the dashboard doesnt show. page not found error.. but the boot gui screen for log in and then basic options does come up and i can get to a terminal window in there


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From the terminal,


The zip will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) Power down the server


Pull the flash drive and upload the diagnostics zip file here from another computer (or alternatively, use a new tab on firefox to connect to the forums)

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17 minutes ago, Squid said:

From the terminal,


The zip will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) Power down the server


Pull the flash drive and upload the diagnostics zip file here from another computer (or alternatively, use a new tab on firefox to connect to the forums)

is there a way to get the network working again from what you see here?


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4 hours ago, Squid said:

From the terminal,


The zip will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) Power down the server


Pull the flash drive and upload the diagnostics zip file here from another computer (or alternatively, use a new tab on firefox to connect to the forums)

ok was able to restore from my backup'sand then using the appdata backup's i had, it recovered but it was giving me the strange errors as above..


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