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Hidden folder in directory?

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Hey guys, I made a mistake in my robocopy command transferring data from my computer to my Unraid server over the network.


robocopy E: "\\data\general\unsorted\Laforge 7-13-21"


The share is actually General (capital G), but robocopy reports that the copy was successful and if I try to create a new folder via the file explorer in ..\General\unsorted, it states that the folder already exists, even though it doesn't show it. CMD in windows and MC in Unraid don't show ...\general at all. I feel like I've done this before but I can't recall what the solution ended up being.


Additionally, I noticed that one of my drives is emulated at the moment. Not sure if that is related or not.


Not exactly sure what to do here. I can easily copy the files into the correct directory from the computer again, but do I need to free up the space or move the files from this ghost directory? Is this related to the emulated drive and fixing that may fix this? I'm running a read-check now. I don't think it's the drive, I think it's crappy hardware.


EDIT: I found the "ghost" folder in /mnt/disk2/General/unsorted. It is also showing in MC in /mnt/user/General/unsorted. What is the correct way to fix this? Delete the directory on the disk and recopy it from the computer to the share? Can I use a move or rename command to move it from the user or disk to a new directory in the correct share?


missing folder.PNG

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1 hour ago, Jhorts said:

I found the "ghost" folder in /mnt/disk2/General/unsorted. It is also showing in MC in /mnt/user/General/unsorted.

No, this is just the way user shares work. These are the same files. The user shares are just a combined view of all the disks.


57 minutes ago, trurl said:

Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread. 


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No indication in your diagnostics that you currently have a share named "general", only "General". Thought you might have accidentally created one, and SMB won't show both because it isn't case-sensitive.


It does look like you probably had a "downloads" and a "Downloads" share at some time in the past though, but only one of those still exists.


1 hour ago, Jhorts said:

Read-check 70% complete. Is that the same thing as a parity check?

Read check only checks that the disks can be read. You can't do a parity check with a disabled disk. Mostly pointless since it takes time better spent getting your array back to parity protected.


Looks like you must have rebooted since disk3 was disabled so can't see what the problem was, but it does have a large number of CRC in SMART, as does disk1, which indicates connection problems.


Check all connections, all disks, both ends, power and SATA, including splitters.


SMART for disk3 looks OK. You can rebuild the disk to itself:



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I'll start the rebuild now. I clicked "spin down" on the emulated drive because ...curiosity? (I know better).


Going forward:
1) Can the diagnostics and/or SMART logs be sent to a syslog server or is there another way to save those logs so we could have seen the issue even after a restart/spin down?

2) I can see the ghost folder in APF but not via SMB.  Is there a way to "recover" the data in "general" and free up that space on the array, or do I just delete it and recopy it? Not an issue in this case, but it could be in the future.

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It does not. The only place it shows up is on the terminal or MC on Unraid, and previously via AFP protocol. I just updated, so now AFP is not an option or I would show you.


But if I try to create a folder in that directory with the same name from my PC, it says it already exists and prompts for a merge. I did that and it still didn’t show.

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I copied the contents of the folder to a new folder, and the new folder shows in SMB correctly. MC shows both folders and if I try to create a folder in SMB with the same name as the original, it says it already exists. LaForge 7-13-21 is the original ghost folder, LaForge 2 7-13-21 is the copied folder.

Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 11.58.30 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 12.00.09 PM.png

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23 minutes ago, Jhorts said:

File system check on disk 2 complete, now what? Restart the array and see if it's there?

Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 3.50.24 PM.png

You need to run without the -n flag or no corrections are ever made.


I wonder if there us some hidden (unprintable) character in the name of the folder (or a file it contains) and that is upsetting Sambz.

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No dice. Ran it without the -n flag and there was no change. I thought Robocopy was created to fix Microsoft's broken copy system. Now it doesn't work either?

At this point, I'm not even worried about the data as much as I am about what happened. Should I get Lime Tech involved at this point? I just want to know what I did so I don't do it again in the future. If SMB is not case sensitive, I shouldn't have done anything that caused an issue.

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