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The common Sonarr and SABnzbd problem

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SAB is downloading files properly, but sonarr is not moving or renaming them. I am aware the most common issue is that the two downloads entries must be identical and mine are. I have downloads and TV in the same share. I have permissions set in SAB to 777. I have renaming enabled in Sonar, and categories/folders set up in SAB. I have seen the Docker FAQ - though maybe I've missed something. I'm at a loss to figure out where I am going wrong.

Radarr is working properly. Please, please show me where I am going wrong.


Here are my relevant settings. I'm using the linuxserver docker.







Share is called Media, and had the following subfolders:

Downloads --> complete, incomplete, tv, movies

TV -> Mine, Mom, Kids

Movies -> Mine, Mom, Kids


(Capitalisation show is that on the shares)

In SAB, folders are set as:

Temporary: incomplete-downloads

Completed: downloads

Permissions: 777


Categories: indexer is left blank, and folder exactly matches case and spelling of the folder

tv: tv

movies: movies


Sonarr has a lot of settings, but I havent changed many.

Renaming is set to on.

Downloads work, but do not move.


Any ideas?


Also, Wanted importing doesnt work in Sonarr either. I cant use Sonarr to rename the files.

Edited by MeCubed
forgot about the Watched importing not working.
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I should have included logs, you're right. I was just making new debug logs when I found the source of the error and it's a weird one to me. But I also found another problem.


So the old problem: it seems Sonarr wont import episodes that dont match the quality you have set in the show. I had it set to 720/1080p, but was testing with SD files, and they weren't being imported. But even the manual importing method didnt work, which used to work with sonarr v2, so I didn't consider that till i scanned the log file.


So Sonarr is actually working correctly! But I discovered there's something up with Radarr's permissions.

I though the sample movie I downloaded to test worked properly, until I went to delete it and couldn't. How do you fix a permissions issue like this? I know I could use the docker safe permissions tool on a case-by-case basis, but how to fix it for new files going forward?


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Thank you! I hadn't seen that section.


I am confused by the golden text: "This only works if the user running Radarr is the owner of the file. It's better to ensure the download client sets the permissions properly." Isn't this making the download client set permissions properly? What does the first sentence mean?

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