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No Dockers after parity1 swap for larger drive


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I run two parity drives (10tb) and swapped out 'Parity' (not 'Parity 2') with a 12tb drive and let it rebuild.  I also have 15 data drives and a SSD cache.  It has just finished and several things have happened. 


  • Free drive space went from ~8tb to 20tb.
  • Alarmingly, three Dockers have disappeard - Crashplan, Krusader, and Plex.
  • Fix Common Problems has sent a notice: 

    * Share Military set to not use the cache, but files / folders exist on the cache drive
    * Share system set to not use the cache, but files / folders exist on the cache drive



I have only tried one reboot since this has happened.  Have I borked my Docker setup or can anything be recovered?



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Welp, I was reading a thread on reddit of transfer the parity data vs. just yank the parity drive and rebuild.  I chose the latter, but I now see that missing form that discussion was turning off dockers.


1.  Are the dockers comepletely borked?  It's not the end of the world, but if they can be recovered that would be nice.

2. Any insights on why the free space on the server went up roughly 12tb, which happens to be the replacement parity drive size?


Besides the docker issue I plan to upgrade the Parity 2 drive to a 12tb one.  It seems like I should do that before resetting up the dockers - assuming they are not recoverable.  TIA for any help on direction.

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I did end up swapping the second 12tb Parity 2 drive in.  Then I had a friend that has more experience with Linux based stuff help me out to get all 3 dockers back up and running.  The settings were all still in place and fine.  We also moved the errant files off the cache drive.  So everything is back as it was.


The 10-12tb of extra free space after doing the first parity drive swap is still a bit of a mystery to me.  Does parity somehow have this much overhead on a 136tb pool?

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  • 4 weeks later...

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