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Page refresh loop in management settings

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Just noticed the same problem here, i noticed my server wasn't showing as signed in, so i try the sign in and after closing the sign in window the main window looks the same, i'm not signed in. Tried clearing cookies and reloading the page.

Tried it in Edge browser which i've never used for Unraid before and it was the same issue.

Unraid v6.9.2


Edited by BadBunny
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Try removing and reinstalling the My Servers plugin then signing in again. I suspect there might be a bug with the API portion.


If this doesn't work after you sign in again please direct message me the output of this terminal command (this will contain apikeys so we don't want to share publicly)

cat /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg


This will let me know if the server is correctly storing your sign in status. If your info is correctly there then the issue is stemming from a backend bug – where it's overwriting the sign in status cached on the server with incorrect info.


Particularly on the Management Access page we have data watchers to refresh the page after sign in / out to ensure the settings shown are correct. So the bug is triggering that to constantly happen.

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  • 3 months later...
10 minutes ago, bhcompy said:


That helps keep the login/stop the refreshing, but now the status on the dropdown says "My Servers error. graphql is offline"

Correct.  Remote access, flash backups etc shouldn't be affected, but you will see that error and a Network error on the MyServers page



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