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Two Licenses (1x Pro / 1x Basic) - Only one currently in use - wanna change my Basic with the Pro Key - How?

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as I said.


I currently have a Unraid-Server with a Basic-Key in use and one Pro License on a Stick (the Server doesn't exist anymore) - now I want to exchange those licenses.


So I want to use the Pro License (from the Stick) on my running Basic-Unraid-Server - of course I don't wanna loose any key or registration.

I already changed the Basic-USB-Key once this year...


Thank you so much.

Best regards



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16 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You just need to create a new install on the pro key then copy the complete config folder from the other key except the license.


Yeah... i forgot to mention - I don't wanna use the current Pro Stick anymore - it's an very old Kingston USB2 Stick - I wanna use the current Basic-Stick... 

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5 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

On second though, that won't work, since the basic flash drive will be blacklisted, I don't know why you just don't use the existing Pro flash drive, my oldest servers are almost 14 years ols and still using the original flash drives, but you'd still need to contact LT to see if what you want is possible.




I just wrote Unraid ... the main reason I don't wanna use the old stick anymore is - it's a 2GB Stick - and i already got trouble with the Flashbackup-Feature from "myservers" because it needs at least the whole "server" again in free space - which wasn't there anymore.


Thanks again

best regards

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11 hours ago, sturmstar said:


I just wrote Unraid ... the main reason I don't wanna use the old stick anymore is - it's a 2GB Stick - and i already got trouble with the Flashbackup-Feature from "myservers" because it needs at least the whole "server" again in free space - which wasn't there anymore.


Thanks again

best regards

You should be all set but please reply to the support thread if this is not the case. 

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