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disk failling and going to emulated mode?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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hi all,


I have 2 disks in my array that failed and went to emulated mode in the last 4 days, both disks are not even a year old yet. 


First one is a 4 tb wd red plus, hosting all my TV shows, went down, rebuild the array, all good.


Second one, 2 days later, is another wd red plus, 4tb, went down, rebuild it, all good for not even a day and went down again.


I know both disk are good as I tested them et the result showed no errors.


Any idea what's going on?


could it be because they're to full, almost at capacity now?


or because I am currently re-transcoding all my libraries? too much read and writed back to back ?


I am restoring the one that failed twice now.


any help would be appreciated as it is getting annoying to restore, taking a lot of time and it is close to impossible to use plex while doing it. Movies keep buffering......




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thanks I'll give this a try.


newbie questions here, how foI know which firmware to use?


how do I put the firmware on the flash drive, do I need to power down the server and put it on from à pc ?


any chance this is going to brick my HBA ?


just a little nervous about this has I never played around with this staff.


thank you




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ok, i have tried to flash it but here is the error i get:


LSI Corporation SAS2 Flash Utility
Version (2014.09.18) 
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved 

        Advanced Mode Set

        Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)   

        Executing Operation: Flash Firmware Image

                Firmware Image has a Valid Checksum. 
                Firmware Version
                Firmware Image compatible with Controller. 

                Valid NVDATA Image found. 
                NVDATA Version 
                Checking for a compatible NVData image... 

                NVDATA Device ID and Chip Revision match verified.
                NVDATA Versions Compatible.
                Valid Initialization Image verified.
                Valid BootLoader Image verified.

                ERROR: Cannot Flash IT Firmware over IR Firmware!

                Firmware Image Validation Failed! 

        Due to error remaining commands will not be executed.
        Unable to Process Commands.
        Exiting SAS2Flash.


any idea ?


also here is the list all result


LSI Corporation SAS2 Flash Utility
Version (2014.09.18) 
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved 

        Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)   

Num   Ctlr            FW Ver        NVDATA        x86-BIOS         PCI Addr

0  SAS2008(B2)     00:04:00:00

        Finished Processing Commands Successfully.
        Exiting SAS2Flash.



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Good day,


finally was able to flash to IT mod, turns out I was forgetting to put a ':' at the end of the line to access the thumb drive in EFI ..... doh!!!!


anyway, it is now flsh to firmware 20.00.07 in IT mode. 


everything seems to be working fine for now, i'll repost if I get another error.


just the rebuild process is going way faster since flash, don't know if it is related but went from 75MB/sec to 130 MB/sec ... 


thanks all for your help.

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LSI Corporation SAS2 Flash Utility
Version (2014.09.18) 
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved 

        Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)   

        Controller Number              : 0
        Controller                     : SAS2008(B2)   
        PCI Address                    : 00:04:00:00
        SAS Address                    : 500605b-0-02c8-ccf4
        NVDATA Version (Default)       :
        NVDATA Version (Persistent)    :
        Firmware Product ID            : 0x2213 (IT)
        Firmware Version               :
        NVDATA Vendor                  : LSI
        NVDATA Product ID              : SAS9211-8i
        BIOS Version                   :
        UEFI BSD Version               : N/A
        FCODE Version                  : N/A
        Board Name                     : SAS9211-8i
        Board Assembly                 : N/A
        Board Tracer Number            : N/A

        Finished Processing Commands Successfully.
        Exiting SAS2Flash.

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