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Unable to connect to dashboard after new ISP modem

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Got a problem and can't find a way to solve it.
At our home, we switch from ISP provider, we got a new modem. server ip is locally, default gateway off the modem is All the port forwarding has been done and can ping to it, The my servers applications even detects my machine. But for some reason I just cannot connect to it locally...

I attached the diagnostics zip.

Any idea what it could be?

Thanks in advance.


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Should have given more information. I'm running swag as well, when I just doe, I get the welcome swag webpage etc.

20 minutes ago, Squid said:

Navigate to (accept the warning)  Then in Settings - Management Settings, Update DNS


It's *supposed* to do this automatically, but I remember having problems with it at some point.


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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

What port are you trying to access it on? Default 80/443 is not what you have in your configuration.

first part is done, connecting to it at, I updated the DNS in mangement settings.
Now I can acces the dashboard. But still, cannot connect by it with the my server link on forum.unraid and my docker containers I use (nextcloud,jelyfin,...) do not work outside my LAN.

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3 hours ago, trurl said:

Probably simpler if you use defaults and make swag use something else.

The problem is, the system worked for months without a problem. The moment we changed from ISP and also there new modem, things went downhill...
Also getting other problems like: Samba name server VAULT is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
or "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log."


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19 hours ago, Squid said:

Is the IP address a new subnet from how the previous modem was (ie: vs


Did you update the SWAG to reflect the new IP scheme in it's settings?


For the not able to access via the MyServers page, probably best to post in the MyServers section here.

Sorry for the late response, did a lot of testing, crying and trying stuff.

Now, I can go to the dashboard without a problem.
All docker containers (jellyfin,bitwarden,guacamoleoverleaf) work locally (LAN), outside, it doesn't work at al when I go WAN.
Nextcloud, doesn't work locally and WAN.

Last year, I was at a ISP and everything was set with default gateway
Now, new ISP, it was, changed it to cloudflare en swag were funky, but they now pass everything.

The problem is now with the reverse proxy (swag). It can generate a new cert, I can ping to nextcloud.mydomain.xx
but I cannot acces it... been trying for more than a day :/

Should I make a new topic for this?


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