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BIND_MGT Option removed in 6.10?


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So, I have a use case for the BIND_MGT option. I want the Unraid WebUI to only be available on my local LAN. Users connecting via WireGuard using the hostname of my server instead receive Heimdall running on a docker. I have a second management WireGuard that provides LAN access so I can access the WebUI when connected via that WireGuard tunnel, or I have Apache Guacamole for remote administration.

I had this working fine, I edited /boot/config/ident.cfg to have BIND_MGT="yes" and restarted NGINX and was able to run Heimdall with manual port assignments for the correct subnets. When connecting on my lan I got the unraid dashboard, and when connecting thru wireguard I got Heimdall. Everything was peachy.

I have since updated to 6.10, and the heimdall docker can no longer start because port 80 is already in use by the WebUI. I double checked I had everything set correctly, and I do. But looking at /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx, all references to BIND_MGT have been removed, indicating that I can no longer tell the Unraid WebUI to only listen on a specific interface. Is this an intended change? Am I going to have to start maintaining an override of this file and manually start the WebUI via script to maintain my intended functionality? I don't recall seeing this in the changelogs, but I could easily have overlooked it.

Edited by Xaero
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Actually, that isn't feasible for me. I don't want to be stuck with an appliance that is perpetually out of date, and I also don't really have the bandwidth in my life to constantly build my own boot images for a single script, that was part of my reason for going with Unraid - to not have to constantly maintain a full set of config files and startup scripts every time something happens.

Edited by Xaero
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