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(SOLVED) Slow File Transfer Disk To Disk - new build Dell R710 H200 Problems

Go to solution Solved by falloutboy12,

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Hi All -

Very much fumbling through this but I've recently moved hardware for my unraid server from an old junky box to a new (to me) Dell R710 server.  I've gone through the difficult of getting an H200 card and flashing it to IT mode and updated the SBR to work in the integrated slot.


I've moved over my unraid boot stick and all six disks and the array is up and running, but I'm seeing some very slow speeds as I am trying to empty a disk to replace it and I'm not sure where to start.

I noticed the slowness when I was using the unbalance plugin - here's an example of what type of speed was being reported in that process.




It seems like that plugin is a little unreliable though at reporting transfer metrics since the elapsed time is way off, so next I tried to get stats at the terminal and got this:


root@UNRAID:/mnt/disk2/VIDEO/Kids# pv -pra /mnt/disk2/VIDEO/Kids/Cinderella\ \[2015\].mkv > /mnt/disk1/VIDEO/Kids/Cinderella\ \[2015\].mkv
[ 246KiB/s] [23.0MiB/s] [=====================================================================================================================================================>                       ] 87%


These speeds seem very slow to me but maybe it's supposed to take several days to clear the contents of a 2TB drive?  Mover is off, no parity check is in process - not sure what else might be contending other than two docker images for transmission and plex.


I've got diagnostics as well if that helps: 


Please don't assume anything - there could be several very rookie missteps in this process that I've done.  I'm not good with linux and I'm not good with hardware either :)


Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

Edited by falloutboy12
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2 minutes ago, trurl said:


You said you were replacing it, not removing it.

right - I'm out of disk slots for my license - I'm moving all the files off this disk, swapping in the new disk so I can preclear and all that which will be several days from what I can remember.  As for why I'm on Reiser, I think that was the default when I set up this server ten years ago? :)

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12 minutes ago, falloutboy12 said:

As for why I'm on Reiser, I think that was the default when I set up this server ten years ago? :)

Of course but I was asking why you are STILL on Reiser.


12 minutes ago, falloutboy12 said:

I'm moving all the files off this disk, swapping in the new disk so I can preclear and all that which will be several days from what I can remember. 

You don't have to have the original disk installed to do all that. You can just do it without starting the array, or even start the array with the disk unassigned though that would mean you have no protection while emulating the missing disk since you only have single parity.


Personally I don't bother with preclear.

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Disk2 has quite a few reallocated, maybe that's why you chose it to replace. Parity has 45 reported uncorrect, probably OK for now. I notice parity and disk1 are both SMR disks, which may not perform as well in some situations, but I have several in my array also.


Of course, moving files between disks on the array requires writing destination (and updating parity) then deleting source (and updating parity). Might be quicker to copy instead of move, then you could just reformat the source disk to get it ready for clearing.



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Mostly moving Disk 2 to Disk 3 since there are errors on a couple disks:




187Reported uncorrect0x0032055055000Old ageAlwaysNever45

Disk 1:

199UDMA CRC error count0x003e200200000Old ageAlwaysNever4

Disk 2:

5Reallocated sector count0x0033095095036Pre-failAlwaysNever236


Main Errors column shows all zeros.

Edited by falloutboy12
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  • falloutboy12 changed the title to (SOLVED) Slow File Transfer Disk To Disk - new build Dell R710 H200 Problems

Another factor is the speed at which ReiserFS deletes files. I always recommend copying instead of moving if you are planning to erase the source disk anyway. 2 reasons, you can compare the results of the copy if desired, and ReiserFS file deletions can take eons, especially if the filesystem is larger than 2TB and has seen a good amount of file activity over its lifetime.


When ReiserFS was current many moons ago, I would routinely copy the entire content of regularly used drives to other drives, allowing me to format a drive fresh. A newly formatted ReiserFS filesystem is MUCH faster than an experienced one.

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