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Enable https but keep http?


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I would like to be able to have http and https enabled at the sametime, or at least no redirect? The thing is I have a certificate signed for remote login, thus with my full domain.  I have pihole setup to redirect this url directly to my server and it work properly. But when pihole is down, the redirection doesn't work thus it tries to access it through the router, and that's where it fail because 80 and 443 aren't open on the internet. Is there a way to just not have the redirection and keep http? I just want it for when I need to take my array down and not mess with host file.


Thank you

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Yeah, this doesn't apply. The reason is I'm not using the my servers, thus it doesn't create a certificate for local ip address. When I enter the https://ipaddress/ like showed in the doc, it redirect me to the fqdn of the certs, which is a duckdns.org url, wether I used http or https url. Using a my server generated certificate solved this since it's creating a cert with the fqdn and ipaddress. I also tried server.localtld and it also redirected me :(

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