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Disk size shows as too small (7.9tb instead of 8tb) and array won't accept it

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Just ran a full preclear cycle on a replacement disk (HGST He8 SAS 8TB - SUN branded) and it is showing in the GUI as 7.9 TB capacity instead of 8 TB.


Of course, that means this new disk can't be a direct replacement for the old disk because Unraid thinks it is too small. It's the same model of disk and the same rated size as the drive it replaces.


Anything I can do to rescan or clear that disk (or something else) to make sure Unraid sees the full capacity?




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2 hours ago, Squid said:

Probably HPA (or a shucked drive)





It's a SAS drive so not shucked. When I try to run that command for HPA: 

hdparm -N /dev/sdb


I get this result:

SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  72 05 20 00 00 00 00 34 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


I noticed running this command on other drives does show HPA is enabled, although they all report bad/missing sense data (maybe b/c SAS?)

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18 hours ago, JorgeB said:
Formatted with type 1 protection

You need to re-format the disk with sg3_utils to remove this:








So I ran sg_format as indicated in that post, for my device at /dev/sdb:


sg_format --format --fmtpinfo=0 /dev/sdb


Completed, here is the detail showing protection is set to 0:


root@citadel:~# sg_format /dev/sdb
    HGST      H7280A520SUN8.0T  PD51   peripheral_type: disk [0x0]
      << supports protection information>>
      Unit serial number: 001551P1RTYV        2EK1RTYV
      LU name: 5000cca23bac41f4
Mode Sense (block descriptor) data, prior to changes:
  <<< longlba flag set (64 bit lba) >>>
  Number of blocks=15362376264 [0x393ab4248]
  Block size=512 [0x200]
Read Capacity (16) results:
   Protection: prot_en=0, p_type=0, p_i_exponent=0
   Logical block provisioning: lbpme=0, lbprz=0
   Logical blocks per physical block exponent=3
   Lowest aligned logical block address=0
   Number of logical blocks=15362376264
   Logical block size=512 bytes
No changes made. To format use '--format'. To resize use '--resize'


It completed this evening and the device is still showing as only 7.9 TB instead of 8.0 TB. Now I'm worried that because this is a Sun white-labeled drive, maybe it has some proprietary stuff on it that prevents it from having access to the full 8 TB or something.


Any other ideas to try?


EDIT: I came across this thread: https://forums.serverbuilds.net/t/fixing-sun-oracle-hgst-8tb-drives-reporting-7-86tb/7018 which suggests to reformat the drive with 4k block size instead of 512. Apparently it's a common issue for these Orace/Sun white-labeled drives. So tonight I'm going to kick off the 4k block size reformat and will report back tomorrow:


sg_format --format --size=4096 /dev/sXX


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So it appears that formatting to remove type 1 protection wasn't enough -- but also changing to 4K sectors appears to have made it work. Not sure if they are both necessary in any particular order but it wasn't until the 4K change that I was able to see the full size of the drive. Now it is assigned in Unraid and rebuilding parity.


The thread linked in the previous post does have a lot more detail about this whole process, but in summary it appears you can prep these specific Oracle/Sun HGST drives for use with Unraid using the sg_format commands together:


sg_format --format --fmtpinfo=0 --size=4096 /dev/sXX


  • --format will erase the entire disk
  • --fmtpinfo=0 will remove Type 1 Protection
  • --size=4096 will set sector size to 4K (instead of 512 or 520) [NOTE: your disk needs to physically support this change; an older drive might not]
  • /dev/sXX should be changed to your drive's device name
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