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BTRFS error device loop2


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Hello there,


im quite new to Unraid and all its features. The server was running for quite some time without any issues. Honestly it doesn't have a lot of tasks at the moment except running a Bitwarden Docker Container on it. Today i realized that the Docker Service and the VM Service are not running anymore. I suppose the error is somewhere deeper, but i cant figure it out.


I attached the screenshot of the log and the diagnose files as well.


Can anyone help here? 2 hours of google search didn't bring anything to light.


regards Patrick



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Most common causes of BTRFS issues are bad RAM (run memtest for a couple of passes) and filling up the docker.img due to improper setting up of where your downloads (as an example) go to (an external path or internal to the image) or an unclean shutdown when the system is writing (as an aside, if you have no real intention to add a second device to the existing cache pool, then you're better off using XFS as it handles adverse situations far better)


In the case of the docker.img, it's simply not worth the time to try and diagnose and fix the existing image.  Far far easier and faster to simply recreate the image file and then go to Apps / Previous Apps and check off what you want.  In less than 5 minutes you're back in business vs a couple of hours.


The libvirt.img is more of a challenge to recover.  Without a backup of it (easy way is via the appdata backup/restore plugin), you'd have to redo the image and then recreate your VM's using the existing VDisks.

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