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Dockers only 100mbit


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Short version:  Docker is only getting 100mbit unless I restart the server or restart the docker service in Settings/Docker.  Only lasts for a day.


Long version of everything I tried is below.


I just got gigabit internet service.  First thing I did was setup a download in nzbget.  I was only able to get 12MB/s.  First thing I tried was to replace my network cable out of the modem straight to my unraid server.  Rebooted the server and my speeds were better around 50MB/s .  That was acceptable. Next day, back to 12MB/s.  So I tried transferring a file across my network, speeds of 120MB/s so I know my network is connected at gigabit and it is not a hardware issue.  Next I install the chromium docker and do a speedtest with ookla, only able to get 98mbps.  I restart the server again and try another speedtest in chromium, speed of 880mbps.  Next day back to 98mbps.  I then tried turning off the docker in Settings/Docker then turning it back on.  This also gives me back full speed, but only for about a day.   Can anyone help me figure out why my dockers are dropping to 100mbit?


I tried attaching my tower diagnostics file but the upload failed, maybe because this is my first post.

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1 hour ago, Pity410 said:


Nothing obviously wrong...  Have you increased the number of connections in NzbGet?  I can easily get my 100MB/s no problems w/20 connections.  Pretty much you want to always use the maximum number of connections your UseNet provider allows.  (But you may get the odd "Maximum Connections Exceeded" error when the app switches from one file to another, which isn't a big deal)

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Yes, I have tried adding all the connections I have available plus many other combinations.  The fact that chromium docker at the speedtest.net webpage also only register 100mbit  tells me that it is an entire docker issue.  If i restart docker service completely or reboot the server I get full speed for a short period of time.  When I come back the next day it is back to 100mbit.

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Yes, I have tried adding all the connections I have available plus many other combinations.  The fact that chromium docker at the speedtest.net webpage also only register 100mbit  tells me that it is an entire docker issue.  If i restart docker service completely or reboot the server I get full speed for a short period of time.  When I come back the next day it is back to 100mbit.


Here is a new diagnostic file after I just disable docker and re-enabled it.  Right now in chromium docker I able to get 900mbps on speedtest.net.  By tomorrow I will only be able toget 100mbps.




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Netdata looks pretty complex.   I don't even know where to begin looking for an issue.  One thing I just noticed is that my upload is still 900mbps when I am only able to download at 100mbit.  Beginning to think it is not a network issue now.  I wonder if it could be a disk write issue.  Although it is going to a sun/oracle f80 ssd.

Edited by Pity410
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Adding some more information hoping it will lead to a solution.  When it seems that all Dockers are down to 100mbit download I ran an iperf3 from terminal, send and receive came back at 900mbps.  I then ran a docker command for iperf3 and it also came back at 900mbps.  This is the command I ran, I assume this runs the iperf3 from docker.

docker run -it --rm networkstatic/iperf3 -c <SERVER_IP>


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35 minutes ago, Pity410 said:

I assume this runs the iperf3 from docker.

This means docker / network was normal on local.


On 1/13/2022 at 6:58 AM, Pity410 said:

I just got gigabit internet service. 

Are you sure local PC Internet speed test always stable, only docker got slow down issue ?

Edited by Vr2Io
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11 hours ago, Pity410 said:

When it seems that all Dockers are down to 100mbit download

Then you should check does storage in busy due to performance drop after heavy writing, this usually happen on low end SSD.


You have several Unigen DFF7 SSD, but no no much performance info. can found on internet, do you use it for download destination ?

Edited by Vr2Io
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The unigen dff7 drives are the 4 200gb drives that are on the sun/oracle f80 pcie SSD.  Being that it is an Enterprise grade SSD I would think it would have plenty of performance.  And yes one of those 200gb drives is for my docker, and another 200gb drive is for download/unpack.  This last time that the speeds dropped to 100mbit the server had basically been sitting idle.  No new files were downloaded.

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