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Same disk in Array and in Historical Devices at the same time

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Please have a look at the attached picture.


You can see that the same disk (marked red) is part of the array _and_ of the Historical Devices at the same time. I think it's how I replace disks in my array but would like to share my experience. I never saw that before. I think it has to do with recent updates of system-near plugins (Unassigned Devices?).


In addition "dev1" is shown twice in the list.


How I replace disks:


I'm using a Supermicro server grade system with a Supermicro backplane (BPN-SAS2-846EL1). There's no need to shutdown Unraid just to replace a disk. I simply stop the array, replace the disk (Unraid detects that change immediately), change slot assignment and restart the array again. To make it clear: I do not shutdown the complete system - I stop the array. That's all.


Perhaps this is the reason that leads to my experience. If this WAD - ok.



Edited by hawihoney
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Unraid itself has no concept of "historical devices". If you boot in SAFE mode you can see that without the Unassigned Devices plugin, Unraid by itself only lists currently attached unassigned devices with no ability to do anything with them and nothing else listed in that section.


You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your Plugins by clicking on its Support Thread link on your Plugins page.

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The Historical devices lists any device that has been seen by UD.  If you unassign a disk from the array, UD will see it and create a Historical entry.  If you assign a disk back to the array, just delete the Historical device entry by clicking on the red 'X'.


In the future, you can get faster support by posting in the UD support thread.

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