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10GB SFP+ No Switch

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I currently have 2 dell's with 2 10GB sfp+ direct connected layer 2 works great for backup from on to another. Can this be done with UNRaid? I have a Force10 48 10Gb switch with 4 40GB up links but, it a bit much and kinda over kill. Don't have the same home lab like I use too. I got thank you card from my electric company, JJ ;) 

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They are, I'm getting about 200 to 400MB were before I was get up to 600 to 900. Mind array isn't fully initialized and I only have 128 gigs NVM mean cache. one system is unraid the is a competitor. I stopped any transfers and need to know whats a good size cache for 17Tb spinning SAS.

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2 hours ago, bbrinkmann said:

I stopped any transfers and need to know whats a good size cache for 17Tb spinning SAS


Normally you do not want to use cache for initial load - it will just slow things down as the cache can be written much faster than it can be emptied.  


In terms of a suitable size for the cache drive then it should be sized for the typical amount of new material you intend to write per day (and then mover running overnight can empty it) and has nothing to do directly with the size of the array drives.

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1 hour ago, bbrinkmann said:

Many Thanks for the clarification!!! Any Idea on the slow 10GB speeds?


I guess I don't understand your question.... Are you getting 200-400MB read or writes?   Hard drives?  SSD's?  whats your array look like?


At a basic level, unraid treats each drive as it's own read and write.   It presents itself as one large drive as a share, but when it comes to reading and writing, it doesn't span across multiple drives like traditional RAID 5.    So a 200MB/s read would be about right because that's all a single drive would be capable of.   The Cache drives are simply used for writes and then moved to the spinning array once a day (usually, unless doing something different than standard).     


Now how you are getting to 400MBps?   I am assuming that's reading from the cache drive?  Is it a file you just copied over and then tried to read right back?  In that case it's because it is on the cache drive and hasn't done the nightly move.   How fast is your cache drive?  400MB/s could be about right with an SSD that small.....

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