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Constant freezing with 6.9.2

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I have been having a lot of issues with my server becoming unresponsive and the only way to get out of it is to force a shutdown. I have attached a log that I think was from before one of the shutdowns. At this point I can't really remember there have been so many. I've tried removing some plugins and docker files since at first I thought it was that, but now I'm not so sure as it will lockup with no docker files running at all. Any help would be most appreciated


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First thing to look at would be does the System Event Log (SEL) in the BIOS have any information?


Since you're running ECC memory, you'll want to download and run on a separate stick https://www.memtest86.com/ to test the memory for at least a couple of complete passes.  (Most systems with ECC if it detects an uncorrectable memory error will stop the system completely to prevent any corruption from propagating itself)


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I tried checking the System Event Log in the BIOS, but it seemed to be loaded up with messages about my wireless keyboard being disconnected or something from when I had it powered off. I reset the logs and will check it each time I need to reboot.


I just now noticed you said to run the memory test from a different stick. When I first read your post I recall seeing the app when UNRAID first  boots. Should I not run that version and instead download the latest?

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After much messing around and finally some searching I have determined that my board is not capable of booting UEFI. I did find a setting in the BIOS that will keep the logs from filling up with keyboard errors. Somehow my system clock also got way out of sync. Could that be causing any of the issues I have been having?


At this point, should I just fire it back up, or is it worth trying to install a OS on the usb stick that I can then attempt to include the memtest86 into the GRUB loader?

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