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Drives failing suddenly..

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Ok I checked and it's almost certainly power, all drives which barfed were on the same cable.  I was not able to replace all components but that which I could has been replaced and all reseated and run more neatly...


Unraid started up again but now one of the drives shows as unmountable, new diag attached.

As it shows unmountable and so not emulated, have I just lost data??




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It is emulated, but the emulated disk is unmountable. Best approach is to repair the emulated filesystem, then rebuild to a different disk and keep the original as is just in case.


Looks like it is currently rebuilding parity2. You can let that complete, or stop it to do the repair.

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I paused the parity rebuild, and fixed the fs in maint mode.


Just restarted and partiy build is continuing on 2nd parity disk.

Failed drive still emulated (red cross) but does not show unmountable any more.


I have a spare drive so once parity2 is done I'll rebuild to that one..

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Repair often can't determine what folder a file belongs in, or even what the filename was. Linux "file" command might help determine what type of file they are. You can examine those files or any others on the emulated disk to see if you can figure out what they are or what is missing.

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Thanks for your help.  My drives have remained stable and parity2 (just) completed building.


I need to work out how to get the probably-fine-but out of the darray drive back in there now but I'l going to leave it for another day - for us both to recover a bit ;)

Bought some larger drives for parity(s) so they can go in once all back to normal..




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