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Unraid shutting down after 2 mins and no GUI or webgui access

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Sorry total noob here but I've had an unraid server for a year now, was all working well however yesterday it shutdown and and would no longer fully load. I've tested the USB and have installed the backup USB but still nothing.


on boot:

Unriad OS (and safemode) loads, asks for username name and password, and then shutsdown after a few minutes

Unraid OS GUI (and safemode) mode loads a blank screen with a flashing line and then restarts after a few minutes

Memtest86 instantly restarts the server and loads the option screen again


I did try going into GUI and then trying modprobe i915 and /etc/rc.d/rc.4 which did get me in to a gui but then shutdown before I could do anything


WhenOS is up and running I cannot get into webgui either.


Really stumped on this and unfortunately my knowledge on the matter is minimal, really hoping someone could help :S


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4 hours ago, Squid said:

You're booting via UEFI.  Boot via legacy mode in order to run Memtest.  If not the CPU, then I'd go with P/S

Thanks, I put it into legacy mode and it did boot into gui however I still couldn't connect via webgui and still turned itself off after a few minutes :(

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3 hours ago, itimpi said:


still sounds like hardware triggered shutdown as Unraid contains no code that would do an automatic shutdown like you are experiencing.

I've had a look and the cpu fan is spinning, before it shut down again it said temps were 38-57 c with motherboard temp at 27.8 c

Hard drives all looked OK, 27 c


Could it be the psu?

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2 hours ago, itimpi said:

I notice you have 2 ethernet controllers.  Have you tried both of them?  Unraid always uses the one it thinks is eth0 for its GUI.

I did try but I never got a connection to work with it (the onboard eth) so I stalled the other one. One unraid the one that works is set as eth0, as soon as I plug a cable in it gives me an ip address however when I try to use that to use webgui it comes up with a long url saying it couldn't connect :(

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I have noticed that I can go into a docker locally by putting in the ip address, but not webgui. Also plex does not recognise this as my plex server when I log in, say the ip is not recognised. I've set it to static using the same original ip but still nothing. Could that help narrow it down?

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